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Your pov:

    "Ok I got this, it just going to be just fine." I told myself as I stood in front of my mirror. Today I was going to a new school and I'm so nervous about it. I tried to calm myself down as I smooth out my outfit. ( you can choose what you want to wear)

     "(Y/N)! Sweetheart it's time to eat breakfast, or you might not have any left!" I heard my mom yell at me. "I'll be right down!" I yelled to her. I am so not ready for this. I felt like crying, but I suck it up and picked my bag. With one last look at the  mirror to see if my clothes were ok. I then walked out the door.

     I walked into the kitchen to see my dad stuffing his face with pancake. It was kinda gross seeing the syrup running down his chin. "Oh. There you are." My mom said as she turned around. "I was afraid that your father was going to eat all of the food, and not leave any of you." My dad looked up with an offended look. "Hey that's not true!" His yell was kinda muffled due to the pancakes. Mom turned and gave him a glare, while turning around she said, "Well it's true. And close your mouth when you eat, and don't talk with food in your mouth!"

     I shook my head and sat down. My mom turned around and place a plate in front of me with (f/b). "Thanks mom." I thanked her as I started to eat.

(Time skip)

      I felt my stomach start to twist. My legs started to shake as I see the school getting closer and closer. "Hey kiddo are you good? You don't look to good." My dad said glancing at me. As I looked at the new school coming closer. "Nope. I'm so nervous dad. I don't really want to do this."

     "Well you have to man up get over it." Dad said as with a looked like he did something. I looked at him with a 'really' look. He looked over and frowned, "Eh? Maybe not."  I felt the car come to a stop.  I felt my stomach drop at this.

     I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag and step out of the car. Then fear took over my body. I didn't like this one bit! When I went to turn and jump in the car I noticed that dad locked the doors!

     "Have a fun day sweetie!" I heard as he drove away. I stood there like an weirdo staring at the car getting farther and farther away. Great! Just great!

     I turned around and looked at the building in front of me. It looked so intimidating, like it was mocking me. I then felt a hand touch my shoulder.  I felt my blood run cold at the feeling of their hand.

     "Hi. Are you new here?" A voice came from beside me. I looked to see who it was. And it was a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes. " Oh, yeah I am. I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." The girl smile and me and held out her hand. "I'm Nikki Maxwell."  I took her hand in mine and shook it.  Maybe today won't be so bad.

Words : 565
Woo first chapter done.
I hope this was ok. This is my first story 😓
If there was anything that was wrong be free to tell me. Thank you for reading this story. 


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