❤️ five ❤️

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     Nikki pov:
      'Update it's NOT an act! (Y/N) is an nice, sweet, prefect, pretty girl. She's the worst first she made friends with Brandon! Chloe and Zoey say that she's nice and to give her a chance. And to make it worse is that I over heard Mackenzie talking about how cute they would be as friends. She is ruining everything!!!!

     She's only been here for one day. ONE DAY!! And everyone is talking about her and gushing over her. It's not fair! Brandon wouldn't even talk to me at all! All he was doing was gushing over her and making love eyes at her. WHEN IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ME!!

    Any ways today sucked. And I hope she transfers somewhere else soon!! '

      After writing all of my anger out in my diary. I went down stairs to grab something to eat. Then I saw Brianna, mom, and dad getting ready for something. "Uh, what are you getting ready for?" I ask with confusion. Mom turned around while putting one some earrings. "Well I thought it would be nice to do something as a family!"

     "WHAT!" first a bad day at school and now this! Mom smiled at me and motioned for me to get into the car.

      This sucks being stuffed into a car with my family. We are supposed to 'hang out' with each other. Then we stopped and a strip mall. The one fuzzy friends is at. I felt my eyes widen with excitement. Maybe I get to see Brandon!

     I jumped out of the car and asked if we can go to fuzzy friends . " Why? Don't you want to pick some places to shop at first?" Mom asked me. "Uh, Nope!" I yelled out quick. Mom gave dad a confused look. Dad just shrugged his shoulders. "Oh then let's go!"

     I've never been so excited to walk into a store before in my life. We finally walked into fuzzy friends and started to look around. I of course started looking for Brandon. It would be great to talk to him without (Y/N) being there.

     Then I heard giggling in the back where the puppies are. Then I saw it. (Y/N) AND BRANDON WERE SITTING WITH EACH OTHER!!! No this can't be. I've never felt my smile drop so fast. I felt like crying.

     Then to make it worse is that (Y/N) saw me. "Oh! Nikki hi!" I saw how her face lit up when she saw me. I slowly waved my hand at her. Then Brandon waved at me too. Then the worst happened.


    I just walked away in defeat. I can't do this anymore. I then felt tears coming down my face. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. So I ran to the bathroom.

      Your pov:

      I felt a frown on my face. I turned to Brandon and asked, " Do you think she's ok? She seemed kinda sad." Brandon looked at bit sad to but told me that she will probably be ok. We then went back to playing with the puppies.

     After a while I made up my mind. "Hey Brandon." Brandon looked up at me and made a hum noice. " I think I'm going to volunteer here."  I saw a big smile come on to his face. " Really that's great! I can't wait for you to start."

   Brandon then handed me the paper to sign up. After doing so, I texted my parents saying they can pick me up.

   After getting picked up I ran straight to my room. I jumped on my bed and hugged my pillow. Brandon was really sweet and nice. I had a fun time with him. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

    "(Y/N) come down and eat dinner!" I heard mom yell. "And tell us about your new boyfriend!"



  I need to go to sleep.
I'm obsessed with gareth emerson for strange things and I don't even watch it 😩😩

And then graham from banned in Boise!!!


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