❤️ fifteen ❤️

372 12 10


Your pov
Me and dad went to a local ice cream shop after school. We went inside and walked to the counter and started to order. "Um, I'll like a ( your favorite ice cream flavor)." I told the guy at the front, " And I'll have a rocky road." After the guy was done taking our orders, we sat down.

"So tell me what happened at this party. And tell me why you think that Nikki would try and pore water on you." dad said to me. I let out I huff and told him the whole story. "Mmmm, maybe she was jealous that that boy likes you better than her. "  I let out a hum and started to eat my ice cream.

I felt like dad was right about why Nikki would do that. "So what's up at school? See any cute boys, or girls?" Dad said to me while wiggling his eyebrows. A snort came out of my mouth," Not really. Well, besides Brandon."

"Whaaa! The boy that Nikki was being a bitch about?!" Dad then said loudly. "Dad! Don't say that about her." Dad then laughed while shaking his head.

After a while we got done with our ice cream, and started to walk back to the car. "Sooo, are you going to ask this Brandon boy out?" I felt my face heat up a bit, " I don't know, maybe I'll see if he will ask me. If not in two months I'll ask."

Dad turned he's head towards me," two months? Here how about this, if he asks you in those two months I'll give you 200 hundred bucks." I felt my eyes widen," two hundred bucks!" I yelled at him. " But if he doesn't you own me two hundred bucks."

I then shooked my head and let out a chuckle," ok deal."

Words: 305

Man I just got over my sickness 🥳🥳🥳

I'm so happy. Its kinda of the reasons I haven't been posting a lot.

Anyways I have to go dress shopping soon for a dance, so it will probably be a while for me to update again.
But I'll try and do as so as possible


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