❤️ fourteen ❤️

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Your pov

It has been two days since the party. And it hasn't been any better for Nikki. Everyone is calling her 'mop girl, and I feel so bad. Even though it was meant for me I feel like Nikki doesn't deserve this. 

I tried to talk to her and talk it out. Try and find the reason she tried to dump the water on me. But Nikki would not talk to me.

I let out a sigh and started to draw in my notebook. Brandon then walked up to me, "Hey (Y/n), how are you? Are you feeling okay? Because you look tired and sad." I looked up at him and let out another sigh. "I don't know Brandon. I feel so bad about what happened at Mackenzie's party. I tried to talk to Nikki about what happened, but she won't talk to me. And I'm worried that our friendship will end because of this. And-"

Brandon then grabbed my shoulders and shook me a bit. "(Y/n)! Your friendship with Nikki isn't that great. Think about it why would she try and dump mop water on you if you guys are friends."

I haven't thought about it like that. I guess Brandon picked on what I was thinking. Brandon let out a sigh and sat beside me. "hey it's going to be okay. If she wanted a good friendship she wouldn't try and do that to you." I nodded my head and put my head down on my desk.

It was the end of the day and I was waiting for my dad to come and pick me up. While  I was waiting  I saw Chloe. "Hey, Chloe!" Chloe turned around and saw me, she kinda jumped while her eyes went wide. She then turned back around and kinda walked away pretty fast.

I was going to run after her, but then I saw my dad's car. I let out a sigh and walked over to his car. "Hey, kid! How was your day?" Dad said to me as I got in. "It wasn't that great." Dad then looked over at me while driving out of the pickup line. "What happened? Are you being bullied?!" I shooked my head and said, " No I'm not. It's just that at Mackenzie's party my friend Nikki tried to pore water on me. And I feel bad about it, because the water fell on her instead. And now everyone is picking on her for it." There was silence for a while before I heard dad's voice again, "Well, that's not a good friend.  And you don't have to feel bad about it."

"But dad everyone is calling her mop girl!" I yelled to my dad. "So?! Let people call her mop girl. She shouldn't pore mop water on people." I knew that my dad was kinda right, so I stopped arguing with him.

"I'm sorry kid. What about some ice cream to make you feel better, yeah?" I felt a smile come on my face. "Yeah ice cream sounds good." I looked over to see my dad smiling to himself while he started to talk about his day.


Heyyyy so I kinda forgot about this book. Also I didn't really know what to write, I want to make a chapter about where (y/n) and Brandon go on a date but don't know where it's going to be at and how they are going to ask each other out.

I would be grateful if you guys can help me out with that thank you


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