california dreamin'

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episode one, 1986 8:26am

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episode one, 1986 8:26am

estrella swings the door open of the video store which causes girl and boy jump as they turn to look at her. — "sorry.." her teeth clack together. "but can i use your bathroom please?" she looks at both of them — they look at each other, waiting for one of them to make a move.

"it's an emergency." she frowns.

"right, yeah, of course you can" the boy pulls out the keys as he heads to the employees bathroom, estrella follows as he unlocks it but stops.

"i feel like i haven't seen you around? are you new here?" she looks at him in disbelief, ".. i really need to go to the bathroom."

"right, sorry." he moves away from the door. she heads inside and as she locks the door she hears the girl laughing.

"are you new here?" she mocks, "that charm isn't going to work anymore, harrington." she laughs at him, estrella can't help but smile.

estrella pulls up her jeans and fixes her tank top she's wearing, as she goes to wash her hands she hears them both talking, she shakes her hands to dry them while she opens the door with their elbow.

suddenly their chatting dropped into an awkward silence.

it was like that for a while but estrella decided to speak up. — "thank you for letting me use your bathroom." she smiles at them trying to make small talk. "i'm estrella, estrella gomez." they haven't moved a muscle.

"and you are..?" they both jump as the boy responds, "i'm steve, steve harrington and this is robin" estrella looks over at the girl.

"nice to meet you" she smiles, " sister and i recently moved to hawkins and i was hoping you guys could teach me the stuff around here?" she hesitated.

"yeah of course, we're like geniuses about hawkins" robin smiles at her, "thank you" estrella sighs as she walks up the counter.

"so where from california are you from?" steve asks, — "i'm from new york actually, more of a down and out of new york instead of california dreamin, you know?" they giggle as she exaggerates her brooklyn accent.

"then what the hell are you doing in a place like this?" steven questions.

"it's seems quiet here" she her voice lowers as she nods "just besides those horrifying things they say about hawkins, things like the devil lives here in hawkins? i mean c'mon get a grip" she rolls her eyes.

"right." steve and robin sync with an awkward laugh.

authors note,
i'm sorry about these short
chapters i swear i'll make a
longer chapter 🫂🫂

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