spanish rock

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episode three, — 1986, 3:23am

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episode three, — 1986, 3:23am

lunch ended and estrella hasn't seen chrissy since, searching for her during passing periods and other classes she hoped to have with her but no sign of her came.

since school hours had ended, the sisters were talking as estrella was waiting for genesis to finish organizing her notebooks in her locker, — it was until sudden footsteps were coming towards them and stopped.

"you're new here right?" a brown curly haired boy looks at genesis along with a pale tall black haired teen, out of breath.

genesis turns around and nods at them.

"our d&d club needs a sub, ever heard of d&d?" he questions — genesis against nods with an confused expression, which leads the teens to have to explain the situation to her.

"so basically i just have to roll a dice?" she keeps looking back at estrella which also had the face of disbelief.

"yes"  they sync

genesis walked the schools hallway while following the two teens, joined with estrella who asked to come with.

"so.. whats your guys names?" genesis makes small talk.

the curly haired turns around to answer her, "names dustin and this is mike." she smiles at both of them.

as they reach the doors to the club and open them, estrella notices how these were the same guys who made a scene during lunch.

"you asked for a sub, we delivered" mike says. —
the dark curly haired boy looks them both up and down.

"absolutely not. this is the hellfire club, not the fashion club." he says.

genesis scoffs "i'm here because you need me, plus id think you'd appreciate a few tips from me and my sister" she looks him up and down which gains a laugh from the rest of the club.

"my, my, the child speaks" he smiles. — "so what's your name, child?" he gets up from his throne.

"genesis gomez." she says

"welcome to hellfire, gomez." he shakes her hand.

"the hooded cultist chant, hail lord vecna. hail lord vecna" the curly haired boy says to the rest, who have a terrified expression unlike genesis who gave a blank face.

"they turn to you, remove their hoods. you recognize most of them from Makbar." he slowly starts standing up from his throne. — "but there is one you do not recognize, his skin is shriveled, desiccated, and something else." he says

"he is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!" he covers his left eye as the club slams their fists onto the table while groaning which makes the sisters jump in their seat.

"no! no!" — "vecnas dead!"
"he was killed by kas." they argue.

"so we thought, my friends so it thought." he smirks. "but vecna lives and you are scared, you're tired, you are injured" he says, "do you flee vecna and his cultist? or you stand your ground and fight?" the group think about their choice.

"i say we fight." dustin looks at genesis, suddenly she's starting to sweat.

"to the death?" dustin says, "to the death." mike repeats, "to the death!" genesis shouts

"to the death! to the death!" they all chant along with genesis and estrella who are starting to get the hang out it.

after many groans from failing and laughs from winning while they roll the dice they starting losing. — suddenly one of club members starts shouting, "time out! time out!" the five boys along with genesis huddle up together.

"guys, i hate to say this, but we've got to flee." the teen besides mike says — "i concur" one says.

"didn't you guys just agree to 'fight to the death" estrella says to the group who the think are whispering, they immediately shush her. — she laughs as the group continues to 'whisper' about their plan.

"i never got your name?" a sudden husky voice makes her head turn, she looks at him as he's smiling.

"estrella, genesis is my younger sister." she says.

"edward, edward munson but call me eddie please." estrella nods.

"you a fan of spanish rock, munson?" she asks,

"not especially, but id be more than happy if you show me some" he smiles at her and as she's about to ask him something else a sudden hand hits the table which makes both of them jump.

"give me a d20." dustin says, eddie throws it and as he catches it he immediately closes it up in his hands and rattles. he throws it to the table.

"that's a miss!" he shouts as he whips his hair around, they shout curses as they clench their teeth.

as it was genesis turn she immediately starts rolling the dice, again they start to curse under their breaths and grip their hair.

it was the last dice roll, genesis had closed her eyes shut while the others chant her on, genesis lets the dice roll off her fingers. she could've sworn it felt in slow motion.

the dice hits table, it reads a twenty.

estrella is the first one to yell and the rest follow. "crit hit!" genesis yells, eddie shrieks out of shock as the rest cheer, estrella goes to hug her sister the rest praise and thank her.

genesis wipes her nose, thinking she went unnoticed but meets with with mikes eyes. he tenses up but goes back to cheering.

they lead her outside as they continue cheering, the rest of teens cheer while estrella and eddie decided to stay and clean up and as they finish suddenly estrella reaches in her bag and pulls out a cassette and hands it to eddie.

"you should take a listen to this, one of my favorites." she says as eddie takes it, it was a cassette of hombres g's 'devuélveme a mi chica'

"thank you, oh, and this is for you." eddie hands her a hellfire shirt, she smiles as she takes it.

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