crème colored sheets

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episode two, — 1986, 9:18am

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episode two, — 1986, 9:18am

the girls had slept early due to exhaustion and woke up around 9am — the smell of an american breakfast had woken genesis up. as she reaches the kitchen she realizes it's pancakes and bacon her sister is making. the house is cozy from the sunlight seeping through the curtains.

genesis yawns as she rubs her eyes to wake herself up, she hears the plate hit the table that estrella installed herself when UPS had arrived with the rest of their furniture. the table was a dark wooden long table matched with the same type of wooden chairs.

"wow. ya te puedes casar" estrella laughs at her sisters comment, they both eat while wearing their matching pajamas, not even bothered to get ready yet.

"school is starting tomorrow, what's the name of it again?" estrella questions, — "hawkins high"
there's a minute of silence before genesis speaks up. "i think it's kinda weird we're going to join right in the middle of the school year?" genesis says

"it's going to be fine, plus you're just starting your sophomore year at a new school, everyone will probably want to be your friend" estrella laughs as she reassures her sister. 

genesis is nervous and excited at the same time, she's nervous about this new school but she knows her sister will be besides her — estrella aswell will be starting her senior year in hawkins high.

it was about 10am when they started getting ready to organize their belongings to their new house,
genesis was the first to set her room, the walls were full of posters and polaroids. her bed frame was white metal frame with white sheets with blue flowers with matching pillow cases along with her lace curtains.

her vanity desk with an oval shaped mirror and flower designs was filled with books that were her current reads and her cd player.

estrella's room was more red tinted, her bed had no bed board so she uses fluffy large pillows instead that are crème colored that matched with her sheets. — she had two white drawers that have flower lamps they glistened when the sunlight would peek through her light red curtains and hit them.

her desk was filled with many cds that genesis would steal from her, that's why genesis herself has cds.

after they were both finished they threw themselves onto their couch, they groan as they started trying to fall asleep, estrella makes a suggestion.

"wanna go rent a movie?" genesis perks up.

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