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"Keep going, keep going," I muttered, running through the forest.

I looked down at the little bundle in my arms. The blanket was wrapped around her tightly, keeping her warm.

I knew I needed to get her away from there. If they knew about her, they would kill her.

I kept running, but I knew someone was following me, but they were further away.

I moved my eyes from the bundle and looked forward. I needed to make sure no one found her. The forest clearing became focused, and I knew we were closer to the human town.

The road came into focus as I stepped out. I needed to find somewhere safe. The human town was only a few feet away.

I slowed my running, bringing myself to a walk.

I walked into town and held the bundle tighter to me. Looking around the whole town, my eyes land on a church.

I looked around but noticed two men walking into town. You could tell they weren't human just by how they looked. They were bigger than most of the humans I walked past.

I turned toward the church and walked over. I climbed the few steps to the church and pulled open the door with the other hand. I walked in, and the door closed behind me, hitting the back of my legs hard.

I looked around, but no one was around, not even the priest.

I started to walk down the aisle and scan the church. It was old but small flowers on each windowsill and statues of random representations of something. I could figure them out, but I have more important things to worry about, like the little bundle in my arms.

I got to the front of the church and stopped—a stand with candles placed around it stood in the corner. A few candles were lit; I walked over and stood before them.

A tear slides down my cheek as all the emotions of today flood through me.

I glanced down at the bundle, who was sucking on her fingers.

I smiled as her eyes were beginning to open. "You're safe," I whispered, bringing her closer to my lips. I place a small kiss on her tiny nose.

I move her down and cradle her into me. I stared at the candles, watching the flames flicker. I could hear movement, but I didn't acknowledge him. He was human, and I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

"You can light one if you want," he said.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew I had to do it; I needed her safe. I opened my eyes and turned around slowly. There in front of me was a small man, a priest.

The man smiled. "I'm Father Paul," he said. "Is there something I can help you with?"

I could feel another tear slide down my face, but I cleared my throat. "I need your help," I said in a strangled voice. "I need you to take my baby and keep her safe."

The man's smile fades as he glances at the child in my arms. "Why would you..." he said, but I cut him off. "I am in big trouble, and there's a man after me. He wants to hurt my child," I said, lying through my teeth. "She's not his child."

The priest looks at me and sighs. "You're not human," he said, which startled me. I looked at him with wide eyes. "How do you know..." I said.

The priest puts his hand up to stop me from talking. "You are not the first wolf we have seen here," he said. "I think you need to leave."

"Please," I begged. "There are hunters out to kill me and want my child. They think..." I started to say, but I had to stop myself. If anyone knows who I am, they will use her against me.

The Forgotten WolfWhere stories live. Discover now