Chapter 11

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Over the past week, I have been helping my father look into the traps. We found a few more traps from where we found the last ones. They were new and looked like they were not long placed there. Whoever it was knew how to get onto the land without being detected.

Gamma Brian has checked it against the one he took before and found it to be different, but it could still be the same guy.

A few days ago, my father installed cameras around the territory so we could find out who was putting the traps around the place, but whoever it was, they knew about the hidden spots. My father seems to believe that someone is watching us. So, he has increased patrol around the grounds and even placed a fence to keep whoever it is out.

My father and Beta Hunter have been in the office all day, talking to the mayor. They have been asking questions about who could do it. We knew of one human, but when Gamma Brian looked into it, the man seemed to be a loon more than anything.

Something else was happening, but all the adults kept it under lock and key. Part of me wanted to know more, but tomorrow, some of us are starting school at the human school.

My mum went all out to get the school supplies. To be fair, she bought most of the shop, but the shop assistant must have thought she won the lottery.

Today was the last of our summer, and we mainly stayed in the games hall, but it was getting boring. I did my best to avoid Heather, who still wasn't getting the hint that I wasn't interested in her. Even Rachel told her to back off, but she ignored her and tried everything to get my attention.

"Here," Levi said, handing me the pool cue. "Your turn." I grabbed the cue and took the shot, hitting the black ball into the pocket. I let out a sigh while Levi groaned.

"Dude," he muttered. "You beat me again. How is that possible?" which only made me shrug.

Kai moved in my head but said nothing. He had been asleep since I stepped foot in the games room. He finds it boring.

"You are easy to beat," I said with a slight laugh, making him groan more.

"I hate playing you," he muttered.

A knock at the door made everyone stop what they were doing when the person on the other side came in—Mum.

Mum looked around and spotted me. "Parker," she said, stepping into the room with a smile. "Your father and Beta Hunter are back from the mayor's office. They want to talk to you and Levi."

Levi and I exchanged looks but nodded. Placing the pool cue on the table, we left with my mum.

Kai stirred in my head and sighed. "What's going on?" he mumbled. "We are going to the office to see our fathers."

Kai huffed.

"What did you do this time?" he asked, making me look back at him with a frown. "Nothing," I muttered. "This has to do with the traps around the territory. Nothing I have done."

Kai stayed quiet, but I saw a few pack members walking in with some of their things. They bowed while we walked past, which I nodded.

All the pack members arrived over the last week. Some traveled from our old pack to get here, but some made it a holiday because it was the last of summer, and many hadn't had a holiday in years. My father gave them a date to come; most are back, but some arrived today.

Levi and I walked into the office where our fathers were situated. I looked back to see my mum closing the door, but she didn't stay.

"Sit, boys," Beta Hunter said.

Levi and I walked over to the couch and sat. Kai moved closer in my head but didn't show himself.

My father moved up in his chair and sighed. "The mayor seems to think all the traps have to do with that crazy Pat guy," he said, glancing over to Beta Hunter. He gave him a nod, and my father looked back at us. "But we think there may be another hunter here."

My stomach dropped.

Kai growled. "Another one?"

I said nothing and kept my focus on my father. "What makes you think there is a new hunter here?" I asked, looking between the both of them.

Beta Hunter moved up in his seat and sighed. "There are at least two fresh scents that we found," he said, making me look at Levi. We both exchanged a look before we looked back at them. "So, what do you want us to do?" Levi asked.

My eyes went to my father, who let out a sigh. "Nothing," he said, making me frown. "We will monitor the whole situation and let you know of any developments, but we are issuing you all a strict rule for shifting for now."

Kai growled, which only made me grunt. My father locked onto me with an arched eyebrow. "Parker," he said sternly, which was how he would tell me off when I did something. "Kai, and you have to be careful. The only time your age group can shift will be in training, and that is all for now. As for runs, you will have to survive unless Beta Hunter, Gamma Brian, or I can go with you."

I said nothing.

Kai growled. "Not happening," he muttered. "I like freedom to run, not being stuck." I knew what he was on about, but I could do nothing about it. "We will," I muttered to him, making him still. "We just have to be careful where and when we do it."

Kai said nothing, but I knew he was on board.

"Is that understood?" My father said, staring at me with a hard look. "No shifting unless someone is with you."

I gave him a nod but said nothing.

Glancing between both men, I sighed. "Anything else?" I asked. "Anything we need to know about?"

My father stared at me and moved his head to the side. "Not too far from here," he said. "We drove past some human children playing in the lake. Why don't you all go there and introduce yourself?"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. When dealing with humans, even though we were going to school with them, some of us assumed we didn't have to do anything else with them.

"Parker," my father scolded. "You are going to school with them. You can tell them we are not a threat or a cult and make new friends. Maybe after the first term, we can hold a party when you all settled."

My father smiled but kept his eyes on me.

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