Chapter 13

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My heart nearly fell out of my chest when I spotted the new kids on the side.

Storm was pacing in my head and growling, but she wouldn't tell me what was wrong with her. She kept pacing.

James came over and asked why I didn't introduce myself to them, but he knew why. Kylie made a beeline for the new kids; how she acted with one of them was weird. She batted her eyelids at him, then grabbed hold of him, clinging to him. James leaned in and told me he felt sorry for him, and it was nice not to be the center of her attention for the time being.

I kept looking over at them, but they seemed to be out of my league. Hearing what Kylie said about Kayla and me was out of line. No one should go by someone's point of view. But judging by the scene unfolding, the guy didn't seem to care.

Kayla and I had fun through the day, but we spotted the young boy who came with him alone. Why bring him with you if you were going to leave him alone?

"Shall we talk to him," Kayla asked, looking at the boy. "He looks bored."

Storm came closer and stared at the boy. She said nothing, but I could feel her presence.

Kayla and I moved from the log, and walked over to the boy. "Hey," Kayla said, taking one side of him and I took the other. "Why are you by yourself? Shouldn't you be with the others?"

The boy sighed and looked between us, but said nothing.

"My name is Kayla," she said and glanced at me with a smile. "And I'm Everly."

The boy looked to the lake and then sighed. "I'm Max," he said and looked between the both of us before his eyes went to the others. "I'm that idiot's little brother."

I felt the corners of my lips curl up slightly, not judging a book by its cover but his brother looked liked a tool, especially being near Kylie. I looked over and watch when he caught the ball that the other boy threw at him, but he landed on his ass.

"So, do you fancy playing with us," Kayla asked, making me glance back at the boy who seemed taken back by her words. "You would play with me?" he asked, looking between us. I smiled. "Of course we do," she said. "We can leave them over there and besides we have food over there. Do you want some?"

Max looked at us and smiled. "Sure," he said. "Come on."

I laughed and watched him move from the log. I stood, but his scent came toward me, making Storm growl again. "What is up with you?" I muttered, keeping my eyes on Max and Kayla.

Storm paced back and forth but let out a growl. "I don't want to make you nervous or panic," she said. Well, now I am. "I will tell you later," she continued. "When we go for a run. We should go the other way, away from where we normally go."

Now that got my backup. That was toward the hotel where these people were from. "Why near there?" I asked, but Storm said nothing and moved back.

"Everly," Kayla called, making me look at her. "Come on."

I nodded but gave her a small smile. I didn't even realize I had stopped. I moved away, but I looked over my shoulder to see Max's brother staring at me. He stared a few times, and I looked away before, but now I am more curious as to why he would look at me. No one ever like him would pay attention to me.

Shaking my thoughts, it has to be that fact I am with his brother. I looked away and headed over to them, but James came over, too. "Hey, little man," he said when I stopped next to him. "What's your name, and where are you from?" he asked.

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