Chapter 22

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Sleep never came. Even Storm was restless.

The mere thought of stepping foot outside the house today made my stomach twist in knots. I felt sick, to say the least.

Staring at the ceiling for the remainder of the night, I thought about what happened on my run. The way that wolf caught hold realized I was there. That was new. Not one person ever could have known, but saying that no human would know that there are scents.

Shaking my thoughts away, I looked back to see Storm with her eyes closed. She must have dropped off to sleep at some point in the night. She stayed quiet most of the time, but I knew she was thinking like I was about everything.

Looking back, I looked over to the clock by the side of my bed and groaned. My alarm was about to go off which meant that I was supposed to be up and ready for school.

Moving up slightly and moving my legs over the side of the bed, I let out a sigh and got up.

Knowing I didn't shower yesterday, I knew I had to have it this morning. I didn't want to be called names on my first day back in school. Even though Kylie would do that either way, freak is a lot better than smelly or something.

I got up and walked around until I found my towel. Walking over to my door, I quietly opened it and looked down the hall. I listened in to see if either Jamie or my mum were awake, but all I got were light snores from my mother's room and loud ones from James.

Shaking my head as I smiled, I stepped out into the hallway and went into the bathroom. I knew I couldn't be too long since it would let people know I was up. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Placing the towel on the back of the door, I locked the door.

Stepping further into the bathroom, I switched on the bathroom and got in. Letting the water cascade over me, I closed my eyes while I let the water do what it could to help me.

After a little while, I sighed and opened my eyes. I quickly washed all over and even my hair. I knew what I wanted to do with my hair.

Once I had finished, I switched off the shower and grabbed the towel I had placed on the back of the door. Moving to the cupboard where my mother kept more towels, I grabbed one and wrapped my hair up in it.

I quickly tidied the shower and headed back to my bedroom before my mother and James saw me.

Stepping into my room, I could hear movements from my mother's room which indicated that she was now awake. I closed the door behind me and went over to my closet to pick my outfit for my first day back at school.

Knowing what the kids were like in my school, I went shopping with my mum to get some new clothes that I thought would be okay. I grabbed a new pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I was going to put on a hoodie, too, with my new sneakers.

Placing everything on the chair by the side of my bed, I got dried and even placed my undergarments on. Looking toward my unmade bed, I knew it had to be done, which I quickly did. I got dressed and was placing my sneakers on when my mother knocked on my door and stuck her head around it.

"Hey," she said. "You're up early?"

My eyes landed on her as my foot went to the ground. I gave her a small smile. "I didn't sleep well," I said. Mum looked at me, concerned, but I continued before she could ask me anything. "I think it's just nerves or something. You know, first day back and all."

Mum nodded but said nothing. There was something written on her face which was hard to read. Normally, Storm would have told me, but I knew she was still sleeping since all I could hear in my head was her snores.

"How about I make you some food?" she asked with a smile that faded when I shook my head. "I don't think I can eat," I murmured, looking at her. "I fell slightly sick."

Mum stared at me and sighed. "You have to have something," she said. "Come down when you are done. We can see what we got."

There was no point in arguing with her. She would get her own way.

"Okay," I said.

Mum nodded and stared for a moment before she moved her head from around the door and left my door open.

Letting out a sigh, I looked toward the window and moved off the bed. Glancing outside, I let my mind wander to the wolf from last night. The wolf had been on my mind the entire night and also on Storm's, I could tell. The way he cried with the trap and the loud howl we heard. The power that came from that growl alone was even to make Storm, and I wonder who made it.

Shaking my head, I glanced around until my eyes landed on the forest. The mere thought of going for another run any time soon scared me. I didn't want to be captured by the traps like that wolf. I knew crazy pat laid them out. They usually had his scent on them, but the one the wolf got caught in had a new scent, a scent that was unfamiliar to me, which was more frightening.

What if crazy Pat had friends here to help him? He was always known around town as crazy for all the crazy stories he would come up with. No one believed him, especially when I was young, but now he might have been telling everyone about my kindness more than I cared to imagine. If he told me the stories now, I would have probably gone into hiding.

I felt movement in my head, which indicated that Strom was away. I looked toward her as she yawned. Her eyes met mine. "I'm tired," she murmured but stared at me for a moment. "You need some sleep."

I said nothing but looked back out of the window again, only to find someone staring at me. Kayla and Ada were there on the lawn. Kayla wasn't the one looking at me, but Ada was. A smile pulled her lips up, and all I could do was give her a little wave as they moved toward the front of the door till I couldn't see them anymore.

Remembering feeling eyes on me when I came back into the house last night made me wonder if whoever it was knew about me, but the doubt was gone when I realized that Storm shifted back and I dressed quickly before I got back.

Knowing that someone watched me, I knew Storm would have to take over when we were in the forest.

"James!" Mum called from the bottom of the stairs. "You need to get up."

I smiled, but I heard her call my name straight after.

"Everly," she called. "Food. Also, Kayla and Ada are here. They made some food for us."

Moving away from the door, I sighed. Might as well get this over with. The sooner this is all done, the sooner I can deal with what comes my way in school.

A little doubt slipped through, but Storm sent warmth through, letting me know she was with me every step of the way.

"I'm always here for you," she whispered. "Now go and see what they made. Need food." I let out a laugh as I walked over to my door and opened it.

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