Chapter 18

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After a few hours of staring at the ceiling, I waited for Mum and James to fall asleep. My mind was full of every little thing as my anxiety crippled me with not knowing about the wolves.

Glancing over to the clock, I watched as the hand landed on the twelve to indicate midnight. I let out a slight breath and moved up in my bed. I sat there for a further fifteen minutes listening in to James snore and Mum, who both were flat-out sleeping.

Storm came closer and smiled. I felt her excitement. "They are asleep," she murmured. "Come on, let's go."

I said nothing but moved from my bed and headed to the window. I was already dressed in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I quickly grab my hoodie and wrap it around my waist.

Once I was ready, I opened my window and looked down. My room was too far to jump, and since I was a werewolf, I knew I could land it. I climbed out and jumped, landing straight on my feet. Looking around to make sure no one was around, I walked over to the forest line and went behind a tree. I got out of my clothes and let Storm take over.

Storm pushed me further back and shifted into her true form.

Shifting into Storm was easy now, but when I had my first one, it hurt like hell Storm helped me through the whole process. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what I would have done.

Storm shakes out her fur and moves further into the forest, serving around the trees. I looked through her eyes and watched her walk, sniffing around and taking in the new scents. There were more wildflowers on the part.

Storm moved toward one flower and sniffed, which caused her to sneeze. I giggled. "You're not supposed to sniff them," I said, calming down. Storm grunted but said nothing.

Once her sneezing fit stopped, Storm looked around and sighed. "I love it here," she murmured. "I don't want to leave."

"I know," I said with a sigh. "Sometimes I wish I could let you take over for a day or two, just so I can clear my mind."

"Don't say something like that," she said with some amusement behind her tone. "I might take you up on that."

I said nothing.

Storm spotted a rabbit running and took off in a high-speed chase to catch it. I moved back slightly, letting her have her fun with it. I knew she would catch it and eventually eat it. I hated when she did that, but it was part of life.

I knew where she was heading, and my stomach was twisting in more knots.

The mere thought of seeing more wolves like us was like a dream that I had, but it never came true. I wanted to be free to roam the forest and be with people like me. As much as I love Mum and James, I felt so out of place here in this town.

Letting Storm do her own thing was what I usually did. I knew she would never put me in danger. Not on purpose, at least.

"Everly," Storm called out. "Take a look at this."

Moving closer to see what it was she wanted me to see, I gasped. There on the ground was a trap. Storm looked around but didn't move. "Be careful, Storm," I said, staying close.

"I will," she whispered and moved slowly while she watched where she was going.

"Who the hell would put these down around here?" I murmured, even though I already knew the answer to that.

"That crazy old loon," Strom growled. "It has to be. He is the only stupid person who would come out here and hunt.

A shiver rippled through her fur, which made her stop. Storm stuck her nose in the air and sniffed. Only a scent came our way. Before I could ask Storm what it was, she bolted and ran toward it.

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