Chapter 6

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I heard a loud bang which woke me with a start.

I shot up from bed and looked around the room.

I could hear Kai growl, but he never woke up. Nothing would wake him up.

I looked over to the clock, and the time read seven am.

I couldn't help but grunt out in frustration; I hated waking up early.

I fell back on the bed and was about to settle back to sleep when a car revved its engine outside.

I grunted and pushed up on the bed, getting out of bed to walk over to the window; below outside were my best friends, Levi and Brody.

I couldn't help but smile.

It has only been two days, but I have been bored out of my mind without them.

I quickly rushed around the room and got dressed.

Once ready, I pulled open my door and bolted down the stairs to the front door when my friends were walking in.

Levi looked at him and smiled. "Hey, man," he said.

I stopped right in front of him and smiled. "Thank god you are both here," I said. "I have been so bored."

Levi and Brody laughed.

"Well, you had to make sure the pack house was ready for us to move in," said Brody, who looked over my shoulder. I glanced around and noticed my brother Max, who was hovering.

I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked him.

Max came over and smiled. "Can you bother with me? I have none of my friends here yet," he said with a moan. "I'm bored."

I groaned. God, I wish my father let him have his friends here with us. Now we had to babysit him.

"Actually, Max," said my mum as she came around the corner. "You can help me in the forest; I need to check something."

Max stared at her, but a slow smile spread across his face. "Yeah, okay, mum," he said.

My mum smiled and took hold of his hand. I watched them walk through the front door.

"Thank god for that," said Levi, making me turn to face him with a frown. "I wasn't looking forward to babysitting him anytime soon."

I know what he meant. I have watched Max in the past, and he can be a handful, especially when he doesn't get his own way.

"Have you been in the human town yet?" asked Brody.

I shook my head. "No," I said. "I have been waiting for you to come; my father thinks we have to be careful as they may not know about us."

Brody nodded. "Maybe we can ask him if we could go now," he said.

I smiled. "That might not be a bad idea," I said. "I do have something to show first, though." I turned on my heel. "Come on," I said. "Follow me."

I ran up the stairs with Levi and Brody following right behind me. As we got closer to the room, I told them what my father had mentioned about the school here and where we could shift.

"Well, that's so weird," said Levi. "Do you think there are hunters in town? I mean, we will not know if we don't ask around the town."

He had a point. We should go into town and see what we can learn from the humans. I mean, if they don't know anything about our kind, maybe we can figure out a way where we are all safe.

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