Late Nights & Early Mornings (Fluff)

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"Stay here for the night" Steve suggests, shooting Eddie a soft smile. "No I couldn't possibly-" Eddie begins, but Steve cuts him off. "Seriously. I know what it's like to feel alone in the aftermath of something like this, and I wouldn't want you to be alone. Plus, my parents wouldn't mind; they're out of town on business anyways" he states and Eddie simply nods back meekly at Steve. "Okay."


When Eddie can't fall asleep and finds solace in Steve.


A furious pounding on the door awakes Steve from his slumber on the couch. He looks at the clock on the wall. One-thirty it read, and Steve's eyebrows furrow. He mutes whatever rerun the television displayed, and rubs his eyelids. Who was knocking on his door at this hour? The knocking is back at it again and Steve grumbles, pushing himself up off the couch, walking over to the door. He turns on the overhead light and opens the door, the hinges creaking and he sees no other than Eddie Munson standing there, looking disheveled. His eyelids look heavy and sunken in, a sheer indicator of tiredness. "Eddie?" he says, confused, letting out a small yawn. "Hiya Steve" Eddie gulps, shoving his hands into his back pockets, looking nervous. "Sorry for swinging by so late."

"Nah man, it's cool" Steve responds tiredly, eyes squinting at the harsh light of the kitchen. Eddie stands awkwardly, nervous energy radiating from his body as Steve looks at him. "You wanna come inside?" He questions and Eddie breathes a sigh of relief, stepping in through the doorway. "Thanks" he says quietly, looking anywhere but at Steve's face. Steve frowns at this. "What's up?" he says quietly, leaning against the counter. Eddie hesitates, before replying. "It's just...I haven't been able to sleep. Since the whole..." He trails off gesturing with his hand. Steve nods in understanding, catching onto his drift. Vecna .

Steve motions for Eddie to follow him as they make their way to the living room, the television illuminating the darkness of the room. They sit on the couch, parallel to one another and Eddie lets out a sigh, burying his face in his hands. "Do you want to talk about it?" Steve says quietly and Eddie lifts his head from his hands, looking into Steve's eyes. The gaze feels prolonged and intense, and Steve gets the sudden urge to glance away. "Does it ever get better?" Eddie whispers back, and Steve's heart tugs a little. "Not really" he says, offering Eddie a small smile. "The feeling never really goes away. It just grows smaller" Steve says, and Eddie weakly grins at this. He closes his eyes, rubbing at his eyelids. "It's just - every time I close my eyes, I see nothing but shit" Eddie confesses, eyelids still closed. "The nightmares...the things I saw...I don't think I'll ever recover." He continues, and Steve gives him a sympathetic look. "You might not, but it'll get better" Steve says, putting his elbow back of the couch, resting his head on a curled fist. "Plus, you're handling this way better than I did" Steve quips, and Eddie chuckles, opening his eyes again.

"I just feel so weak Steve" Eddie mumbles before laughing, the sound wrecked with pity. Steve leans forward, placing a hand on Eddie's thigh. Eddie looks up at him, red creeping up onto the back of his neck. "You're aren't weak Eddie. Do you know how badass you were? How you saved Nancy and the kids without hesitation? I think that's pretty remarkable" Steve says, staring into Eddie's eyes. He takes his hand off his thigh and places it back into his lap, messing with the fabric that lay there. "I guess you're right" Eddie mumbles, looking down. "But that still doesn't fix the fact that I can't sleep." An idea pops into Steve's head.

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