Four A.M (NSFW)

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Eddie smirks at this, brushing the hair out of his face as he watches Steve, transfixed on his movements. He bites back a smile as he realizes, that Steve is having a wet dream. And not just any wet dream; one that's about him. It's what spills from his mouth next that has Eddie's cheeks turning red.


Steve has a breeding kink and Eddie figures it out.


Eddie let out a sigh, collapsing against the couch. He took a swig from his beer, letting out a small grimace, the lukewarm beverage sliding down his throat. Nonetheless, he finishes it off, tipping his head back and swallowing the last of the liquid. He sets it down on the coffee table and belches, grinning at Steve. The man grimaces in return, wrinkling his nose. "You're disgusting, y'know that?" Steve deadpans and Eddie blows him a kiss as a reply. Steve rolls his eyes, grabs the now empty beer bottles, and stands up abruptly, sighing. "I'll grab us another" Steve quips and Eddie nods, eyes transfixed on the movie in front of him. The bright screen illuminates the dark trailer, casting shadows over the furniture and the walls. He watches Steve's ass as he walks over to the kitchen a mere inches away from them, bending low and searching the fridge. He lets out a low whistle and Steve flips him the bird, making him laugh.

Moments later, Steve returns with two cold beers and passes it to Eddie, the latter catching it swiftly. "Thank you so much, baby" Eddie murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the man's forehead as he sits down. "Yeah yeah - next time, you're getting them" Steve complains, snuggling into Eddie's side. Eddie throws an arm around Steve, tugging the man closer, grinning at him.

They watch the movie in comfortable silence, each quipping small commentary here and there, and before Eddie knows it, the end credits are rolling and he's blinking back sleep. Steve is currently passed out, head drooping against his shoulder as he drools slightly. He softly smiles at this, before lightly shaking awake the man, trying to get him to awaken. He stirs slightly, before blinking, opening his eyes. He yawns, sitting up straight and raises his arms above his head in a stretch. He wipes at the drool on his lips and looks at Eddie, blinking sleepily. "Wha' time is it?" he says groggily and Eddie checks his watch. The red font blinks back 12:52, and he lowers his hand, ruffling Steve's hair. He lets out a noise of protest, swatting Eddie's hand away, but soon relaxes into his touch, mouth parting in bliss. "It's a little after midnight" Eddie replies. He gets up and shuts off the tv, plunging them into complete darkness, besides from the soft light illuminating his bedroom. "Let's go to bed, big boy" Eddie says, turning around and facing Steve. Steve mumbles something under his breath before standing up, stretching once more. His back cracks loudly as he does so and Eddie winces; Steve really needs to see a chiropractor, he notes, before walking over to his room, Steve trailing behind him.

He opens his drawer and tosses Steve a pair of boxers, grabbing a pair for himself as well. He changes, slipping on the boxers and Steve does the same, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor. Steve slips into the bed, under the covers and Eddie climbs into bed as well. Steve instantly snuggles into Eddie's side, already half-asleep. "G'night" Steve breathes and Eddie softly smiles, reaching over to Steve and shutting off the lamp. "Goodnight, Stevie" he replies, kissing the top of his head. They drift off to sleep, Eddie spooning Steve and their breaths grow synchronized, in the pale moonlight.


A moan is what wakes him up from his slumber. Eddie, half-asleep, opens his eyes to find Steve curled up in a ball, whimpering into the pillow. His eyebrows furrow as he checks the clock on his bedside table. It's a little after four in the morning, and he rubs his eyes, squinting at the object. At first, he thinks it's a nightmare - Steve did have plenty of those - but it's the words that tumble from his lips that make him pause in his tracks. "Eddie " Steve moans, shifting ever so slightly in his sleep. Eddie raises an eyebrow as Steve shifts once more, laying on his back. He must've kicked the sheets off him, Eddie conquers, and as his eyes drift lower, he notices a very evident tent in his boxers, the fabric slightly wet on the front. The pale moonlight streams in through the window and illuminates the room, and Eddie can see as Steve's hips gyrate, thrusting ever so slightly up in the air, chasing some form of contact. Eddie smirks at this, brushing the hair out of his face as he watches Steve, transfixed on his movements. He bites back a smile as he realizes, that Steve is having a wet dream. And not just any wet dream; one that's about him. It's what spills from his mouth next that has Eddie's cheeks turning red.

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