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As they made out, Steve's fingers danced along the middle of Eddie's back until his hands found purchase; he found the thing he was looking for. He grins into the kiss, hand grasping the fabric and pulling it out from behind Eddie, twirling it in between his fingertips. Eddie breaks the kiss, looking down quizzically from his seated position on Steve's lap as Steve's heart pounds in his chest, bringing it between the two. "What are you doing?" Eddie questions, frowning slightly. Steve swallows, his throat suddenly parched. "What is this for?" Steve replies, somewhat out of breath from kissing.


Where Eddie introduces Steve to the world of BDSM.

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Steve knocks on the trailer door, shuddering as the cool Hawkins' breeze hits his frame. It's a brisk October night, the moonlight illuminating the porch as he waits for the man to open the door . A mere moment later, the door swings open, hinges squeaking, and Eddie grins, ushering Steve inside. He closes the door behind them and crowds Steve up against the door, planting a soft kiss against his lips. "Hi baby," Eddie whispers, and Steve grins widely. "Hiya, Eddie," Steve replies, gazing into his eyes.

Their love was new - fragile almost, but it thrilled Steve to his core. Steve always knew that he wasn't straight; he reminisced on the old crushes he used to have in his adolescence - not only on girls but boys as well. He remembers the playground in elementary school, how they would roughhouse during recess, and his heart would flutter when one of them got too close. But ever since he's been with Eddie, he's grown more comfortable in his sexuality, more open to Eddie's neverending affection that he showered Steve with daily. It still feels weird to call Eddie his boyfriend, but nonetheless, it's exciting.

Still, there were secrets between the two of them. Sure, they've had sex, endless sex, but it's always been so sweet , so soft that it left Steve numb in the thighs. He always found himself chasing after the burn, the stretch of his thighs as Eddie finished, pounding inside of him. He knew Eddie was holding himself back for Steve, but he craved more , craved the violence Eddie so desperately hid behind his eyes as he fucked Steve into the mattress, craved the wild and desperate rhythmic thrusting that haunted his wet dreams.

But as Steve sat down on the couch, he couldn't help but notice the black handkerchief hidden beneath the swell of his ass. He knew that it obviously meant something to Eddie, but he had never brought it up. Steve wasn't dumb; he knew what hanky code was. (Well, after he asked Robin about it one summer's night. Robin flustered in response, choking up a mediocre reply that it had something to do with Eddie's sexual preferences (which she wouldn't disclose). Besides that, he had never gotten the chance to bring it up to Eddie. Until now.

As they made out, Steve's fingers danced along the middle of Eddie's back until his hands found purchase; he found the thing he was looking for. He grins into the kiss, hand grasping the fabric and pulling it out from behind Eddie, twirling it in between his fingertips. Eddie breaks the kiss, looking down quizzically from his seated position on Steve's lap as Steve's heart pounds in his chest, bringing it between the two. "What are you doing?" Eddie questions, frowning slightly. Steve swallows, his throat suddenly parched. "What is this for?" Steve replies, somewhat out of breath from kissing. He's playing the oblivious card; he knows vaguely of what it means, but he wants to hear the man say it. Eddie quickly snatches the bandana from him, tucking it back into his pocket. He seems suddenly shy, averting his gaze. He shrugs. "S'nothing," Eddie replies, mumbling under his breath, causing Steve to raise an eyebrow. "Obviously, it means something if you wear it all the time," Steve snorts, chuckling slightly. This causes Eddie to frown deeper. He moves to get off Steve's lap, but Steve holds him in place, grabbing his wrist. "You know I would never judge you for anything, right?" He whispers, his other hand snaking up to grasp Eddie's chin. This forces Eddie to meet his eyes, hesitance shining in his pupils. Eddie ponders for a moment (Steve can see the cogs turning in his mind) before he sighs, tension melting from his body. He gets up to move, and Steve lets him this time, releasing his wrist and moving his chin from his grasp. He sits down next to Steve; crossing his legs and turning his full body to face him before smiling weakly. "You're sure you want to know, Stevie?" Eddie questions. Steve nods (a bit too frantically, he might add) and clasps Eddie's hand in his own, thumb rubbing small circles into the back of it. "I'm positive," he replies, confidence radiating from his voice. "Okay," Eddie sighs, taking a deep breath in before letting it out, willing himself to speak. "Have you ever heard of something called flagging?"

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