Suspicions (Final Part)

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Robin knocked on the door to Eddie's trailer, Steve idling behind her. A muddled "coming" can be heard from inside and moments later, Eddie swings open the door, a lopsided grin on his face. "Robin! Harrington! C'mon in" He says, motioning them into the trailer. "Thanks" Robin replies, walking and Steve simply nods, a small smile displayed on his face. He ducks into the trailer and makes his way over to the couch, flopping his body onto it. "Make yourselves at home, I guess" Eddie says, glancing at Steve's nonchalant frame. Robin snorts, shaking her head and sitting down next to Steve.

Eddie sits down opposite of them. A bong, a bag of weed, and a lighter are precariously balanced in his hands. He sets them down on the counter and begins filtering through the weed, picking out a nug and placing it into a grinder, twisting it in his hands. Robin raises her eyebrows at this, and Eddie rolls his eyes. "A bit eager are we?" Robin teases and Eddie throws a hand up, in defense. "I haven't been high in a couple of days, you can't blame me." Steve laughs at this, staring at Eddie's defensive frame, shoulders shaking. " Sure , man" Steve says sarcastically and Eddie reaches out and punches Steve's shoulder lightly. Steve dramatically clutches his shoulder, in mock hurt. Eddie rolls his eyes, taking the freshly ground weed out of the bottom of the grinder and stuffs it into the bowl piece.

Ever since that fated night, the three of them had begun to hang out more and more. Eddie and Steve seemed to be more comfortable in each other presence around her, which she greatly appreciated. Robin still hasn't gotten the chance to bring up the Steve issue, but nonetheless, she was happy that they were getting along well enough.

"So" Eddie trails off, grabbing the lighter and wiggling his eyebrows. "Have you used a bong before?" he asks Robin, who shakes her head no in response. Eddie laughs and Robin crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Hey! Why don't you ask Steve the same question? I doubt he's ever used one too, right Steve?" Robin replies and Steve's eyes widen, looking back and forth between Robin and Eddie. "How did I get dragged into this?" He whines, looking exasperated. "Besides, I've used it a couple of times" Steve admits and Robin's jaw dropped, stunned. "Steve Harrington, are you serious?" she questions and Steve nods his head, a straight look on his face. Eddie claps his hands together, letting out a laugh. "Who would've known " Eddie says mockingly, passing the bong and lighter over to Steve. "Yeah yeah" Steve mumbles under his breath. In a skillful manner, Steve lights the bowl and inhales, the chamber filling up with a milky white fog. Robin watches, amazed when Steve pulls the bowl piece out, inhaling once more, and sucks all the smoke until his lungs, holding his breath. He exhales, the smoke billowing out of his mouth, forming a cloud of white in the air. Steve coughs gently, the smoke burning his lungs. Robin lets out a low whistle and Eddie smirks, gesturing for Steve to pass the bong to Robin. Tentatively she takes it, not knowing how to hold it in her grasp. "You must've had a great teacher Harrington" Eddie winks and Steve blushes, running a hand through his hair. "Oh yeah, big time" he replies, smiling back. She looked between the two men at this interaction. Was she missing something, or?...

"So basically" Eddie begins, taking the lighter from Steve's grasp, lighting it. The flames licked the air as he held it in his hands, silver rings wrapped tightly around it. "When I light this, you're going to suck or inhale pretty hard. Which after that the chamber will - hopefully, - fill up with smoke. Once that happens I will lift up the bowl piece, and you're supposed to inhale once more, drawing the smoke into your lungs. Seems relatively easy, right Robin?" Eddie explains and Robin looks at him dumbfounded, at a loss for words. "That's a lot of directions you just threw at me bud" Robin states and both Steve and Eddie chuckle at this. "Don't worry Robin, you'll get the hang of it pretty easy" Steve says nonchalantly, leaning back against the couch, a lazy smile across his face. His eyes are already glazed over and Robin realizes that Steve is already high. "Yeah, ok" she snorts, gripping the bong in her grasp. "Let's do this."

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