Suspicions (Part 2)

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Later that night, Robin clutches Eddie's ring in her hand as she knocks on the door to his trailer, waiting patiently. Inside, she hears a low "shit" and something heavy thuds onto the ground, presumably Eddie dropping something accidentally. "Eddie!" she hollers through the door, knocking once again. "It's Robin" she elaborates. There's a hushed commotion behind the door, some movement, before Eddie answers the door in nothing but sweatpants, looking flustered. "Hey, Robin" Eddie says nonchalantly, hiding his frazzled state by leaning against the doorframe smoothly. He's red in the face and sweating buckets. If Robin didn't know any better, she'd think he was sick.

Robin unclenches her hand to reveal the ring, its silver glistening in the moonlight. "So" she begins, holding her hand out. "You forgot this earlier. It must've dropped when we were looking for a movie" she finishes, dropping the ring into Eddie's hand. His eyes widen as he takes the ring, a small smile beginning to form on his face. He analyzes the ring in his hand, fumbling with it before looking back up at Robin, his soft brown eyes meeting her eyes. "Thanks, Rob" he breathes, putting the ring back onto his finger, where it belonged. "I thought I had lost it."

Robin's gaze drifts into the trailer. The Rocky Horror Picture Show plays low on the television, the screen illuminating the dimly lit room. Two beers sit on top of the coffee table, half drank, and a couple of joints sit there too. She notices a condom wrapper sitting there as well, and Robin realizes what's happening and her hand flies to her mouth, looking at Eddie apologetically. Oh.

"I'm so sorry Eddie" she says panicked, a blush creeping onto her face. "I totally forgot that you were having a date tonight" she admits sheepishly, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. Eddie sends her a soft smile, pushing up off the doorway, waving it off. "It's all good Robin, no worries. Do you want anything before you leave?" he questions. "Nah, I'm all good" Robin swallows thickly, before realizing just how parched her throat was. "On, second thought, a glass of water would be nice."

Steve hid panicked in the bathroom, as he heard the muffled voices of Eddie and Robin through the door. He ran a hand through his hair, his thigh bounced up and down from his seated position on the toilet seat. Why had Eddie invited her in? Nonetheless, he sat there, shirtless and frozen, glued to the toilet seat out of fear.

Steve didn't know why he cared so much about Robin knowing he and Eddie were dating. Robin was a lesbian, sure, and he knew that she would be all but accepting but he wasn't even out to her for christ's sake, so the concept of Robin swinging open the door at any moment terrified his existence. Let alone him being on a date with the man he supposedly didn't get along with. He heard Robin laugh at something Eddie said, her voice light and happy. He shifted on the toilet as he put his head in his hands, praying that Eddie would shoo her away. He didn't.

"-so that's exactly why I don't skateboard anymore" Eddie finished and Robin's shoulders moved as she laughs. She sighs, looking at her watch. "Oh man, I should probably go home, my parents will kill me if I'm late again," she says, glancing around the room. She hears a small sniff from the bathroom and her head whips around, looking at the closed door. "Has you're date been in the bathroom this entire time?" She says, eyes widening in realization. She glances around the room and notices a crumple of clothes discarded on the floor. Her eyes narrow in suspicion. She realizes there's a striped shirt among the pile, and it looked an awful lot like...

"Yes they are" Eddie says quickly, averting her glance and staring straight at the cluttered bookshelf ahead of them. "We were, uh, in the middle of something" he coughs gently, giving Robin a knowing look. Shit . "Well, that's my cue to leave" Robin says, pitch higher than usual. "Have fun." Eddie nods at her, motioning towards the door.

With that, she exits, bidding Eddie a goodbye, and walking over to her bike, which lay against the side of his house. She hops on the bike and for a moment, she hears a voice murmur something incoherent, the voice familiar to her but not Eddie's As she pedals away, she realizes that it was, in fact, a male voice. She smiles to herself, pedaling faster as she leaves the trailer park.

Good for Eddie.

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