Suspicions (Part 1)

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Robin had made the presumption after they had saved all of Hawkins together, Steve and Eddie would've been friends. Robin and Eddie were friends, but Steve practically ignored Eddie's existence. Robin always wondered why Steve and Eddie avoided each other in her presence. It seemed like they were constantly tip-toeing around her, which made absolutely no sense to her. They were all supposed to be friends. Besides, Robin thought Steve (and her) could use some more friends of their own age. Well, Robin thought wrong, because that's obviously not the case.


Or, Robin eventually finds out the truth about Steve and Eddie.


Steve came into work late that day, and Robin raised an eyebrow when he rushed in, looking incredibly flustered. He's never late. "Steve" she says, tapping the watch on her wrist with an index finger. "You're late."

"I know I know'' Steve says, raising his hands in defense. "I got caught up with some things" He continued, walking to the office and pulling out his punch card. He clocks in, puts on his vest, and joins Robin at the counter. Robin tilts her head at this. Steve rarely goes out anymore, after what happened with Vecna. But when he did, Robin and him always hung out together. What could've possibly made him late?

"Well" Robin sighs, pulling out a stack of VHS tapes and putting them on the counter. "Just pray Keith doesn't notice." Steve snorts at this, shaking his head. "That man is oblivious as hell . Besides, when's the last time you saw him be on my ass about something?" Steve says, and Robin ponders for a moment, not coming up with anything. "See" Steve continues, picking up the stack of VHS tapes and balancing them in his hands. "You can't. The man loves me." Robin mumbles something incoherent under her breath and Steve laughs at this, walking out of the counter and over to a row of tapes.

Moments later, the doorbell chimes and in walks in Eddie Munson, looking smug as ever. He too, looks flustered. Robin waves at him and his hand shoots up, lazily waving back at her. "Robin, what's up dude!" He exclaims, strutting over to the register. "Oh hey Eddie" she replies back, shooting him a smile. Steve's head peaks out behind whatever shelf he was standing by, and sends Eddie a nod in acknowledgment. "Munson" he states and Eddie nods back, adjusting the collar of his jacket. "Harrington." Robin rolls her eyes at this. Robin had made the presumption after they had saved all of Hawkins together, Steve and Eddie would've been friends. Robin and Eddie were friends, but Steve practically ignored Eddie's existence. Robin always wondered why Steve and Eddie avoided each other in her presence. It seemed like they were constantly tip-toeing around her, which made absolutely no sense to her. They were all supposed to be friends. Besides, Robin thought Steve (and her) could use some more friends of their own age. Well, Robin thought wrong, because that's obviously not the case.

"So Robin..." Eddie trails off, drumming his fingers along the counter, rings clinking as he does so. "I was wondering if you could recommend a couple of movies for me" He states, glancing around the empty store. "For-" he clears his throat, before lowering his voice. "-a date. Tonight" Robin gasps at this, dramatically throwing a hand over her heart. "Eddie Munson, you're going on a date ?" she mock teases, quite loudly in fact. Steve's head whips back at this, staring at the two. He shakes his head, before resuming stocking the shelves. Eddie shushes her, placing a finger in front of his lips. "Yeah yeah, whatever Robin. Don't sound so surprised" he replies, leaning on the counter. "I'm not!" she says defensively, placing her hands on her hips. "It's just, I've never seen you with anyone before" she admits. This was true. Eddie in her mind was a lone wolf and in the months prior, she's rarely seen him with anyone, besides herself of course. "Well, I don't have to tell you everything that's going on in my life, Robin" Eddie says, cocking a grin at her. "Can you help a guy out?" Eddie says and Robin nods, shooting him a soft smile. "Of course."

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