Chapter Ten: Trick or Treat, Freak

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October 31, 1984

It was Halloween, everyone's favorite holiday, especially Dustin's. He and his friends were dressed up as the Ghostbusters. Mom was taking pictures of Dustin. "Oh! I want to see those pearls," she said. Dustin had finally got in his teeth. Mom snapped another picture. "Yeah! Who you gonna call?" I was trying my best to hold in my laughter. "YN, sweetie, get in there. I want a picture with the both of you," she said. "No. No. This is Dustin's nerd moment. I'm good," I said. "Oh. Come on!" She begged. I sighed and went to stand beside my brother. "Why didn't you dress up! The two of you are so cute!" I put Dustin in a head lock and ruffled his hair. "I'm in high school, ma. We don't dress up," I told her as Dustin tried getting away from me. After mom was done taking pictures we headed out the door to school. Dustin jumped on his bike and headed to meet Lucas and Mike.

After school I headed out to my car and to no surprise Billy was there leaning on his car, smoking. I walked over to my car that was in the spot next to his, "you know those things kill," I said. He looked over at me and smirked, "you going to that Halloween party tonight?" He asked. "Um. No," I said, opening my door. "Why not?" He asked, coming to lean on my car. "Not my scene. Now get off my car before you scratch it," I told him. He leaned closer to me, "only if you agree to go to the party with me."

I scoffed and got in the driver's seat. Billy leaned over one hand on the door the other on the frame. "A manual transmission. You just keep getting hotter and hotter. What do you say? I'll pick you up at seven?" He said. "Or maybe I'll just meet you there. I might take my little brother and his friends trick or treating," I said. "Or you just say yes and let me show you a good time," he said, winking. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "see you later, Billy." She smirked, stood straight and shut my door. Just as I was pulling out I saw his sister, Max getting in the car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"I asked Dustin. "No! Go to that party. I don't need my older sister babysitting me. I'm thirteen!" He said. "Fine! Do I look okay?" I asked. I had decided to dress up like Sandy from Grease at the end of the movie. "You look great! Now go have fun and do whatever kids your age do!" He said. "Be safe! Make sure you check your candy when you get home—" Dustin cut me off, "NN! Go!" I put my hands up and headed out the door.

When I showed up at the party it was packed. I headed inside, grabbed a drink, and then headed for the backyard. There was a group gathered around the keg as someone did a keg stand. When the guy came down I saw it was Billy. He had jeans on with only a leather jacket. People were cheering him on. "We got ourselves a new Keg King!" Tommy yelled. Billy spotted me and walked over to me. "Look who decided to show up. Damn, sweetheart, you make it hard for a man to keep himself in control."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "whatever. So you beat Harrington's time. Congratulations to the new Keg King," I said. Billy wrapped his arm around my shoulder while people cheered him on. Did I like Billy? Sure. He was attractive. Very attractive. But he had one of those 'no one can touch me attitudes' and it pissed me off. I don't know him well but it wasn't hard to see that. I really just wanted a distraction. I couldn't stop thinking about Steve. And it made me feel bad because he was with Nancy. And Nancy was kind of a friend even if we haven't hung out that much even after what we went through last year.

Billy moved his arm from my shoulders to my waist while we walked up to Steve and Nancy. "We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington," Tommy said. Nancy looked at me and I shook my head. Steve looked at me then at Billy as he got closer to him. Nancy then walked away and I would have gone after her but Billy had a strong grip on me. I stepped in between then, my back to Billy.

"You should probably check on Nance," I told Steve. He looked down at me and back at Billy, who responded by snaking his arms around my waist. "Can we talk later?" Steve asked. I studied him for a few seconds before nodding my head, "yeah. I'll check you later," I said. He nodded and walked away to go after Nancy. Billy pulled me out into the middle of the floor where everyone was dancing and I just let the music take over me.

After a while of dancing I saw Steve struggling to get Nancy to slow down on drinking. Then she ended up spilling punch all over her shirt. "Fuck," I mumbled. I went to walk over towards them but Billy pulled me back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, spinning me around. I pressed my hands against his chest and looked around him to see Steve chasing Nancy to the bathroom. "I should go see if she's okay," I said.

"I'm sure Harrington can handle it," he said. He gripped my chin in between his fingers and tilted my head up to look at him. "How about we get out of here?" He said, getting closer to me. His eyes flicked down to my lips before he kissed me. Was it nice? Yeah. I mean he's a good kisser and that's really not a surprise. But there was one problem. He wasn't who I really wanted to be kissing. That didn't stop me from kissing him back. Because in my head it was the best way to get Steve out of my head.

When we came up for air he was smirking. "So. What do you say? Wanna get out of here?" He asked. I looked around to see Jonathan then I saw Steve storming past him and Nancy came stumbling out. "Look, Billy this was really fun and you're like a really good kisser but I need to check on my friends. I'm sorry," I said. He licked his lips and nodded, "you like Harrington don't you?" He asked. My eyes widened, "what? No. No!" I laughed awkwardly. He smirked, "keep telling yourself that sweetheart. Go check on your crush. I'll find someone else," he said. "Thank you for understanding."

I walked over to Jonathan and Nancy, "hey. You going to take her home?" I asked. Nancy was leaning on him looking like she was going to be sick. "Yeah. I'll get her home. You good?" He asked. I nodded, "yeah. I'm going to go check on Steve," I said. Jonathan wrapped his arms around Nancy. I turned and made my way through the crowd and headed outside to see Steve driving off.

I sighed and headed to my car just deciding to go home. When I got home And was walking down the hall Dustin pulled me into his room. "What the hell!" His hand slapped over my mouth. "Shh! I need to show you something but you can't freak out," he said. I pushed his hand away, "fine." He walked over to the tank he had for his turtle but Yurtle wasn't who was in the tank. "Dustin, what the fuck is that?"

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