Chapter Seventeen: Graduation 1985

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A/N: There is light smut in this chapter just a warning for any young readers.

May 20, 1985

Only one more week before graduation. Everything has been going good so far. There was a new mall opening up called Starcourt Mall. Both Steve and I applied for a job at the ice cream place called Scoops Ahoy. I didn't want to go off to college right away. I got into a couple colleges but I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go. Steve on the other hand didn't get into any colleges. His grades are shit. I'll be surprised if he even graduates. And since he can't get into college his father was making him get a job.

We had our finals on Thursday and so far studying wasn't going so well. Steve was over at my house. We were supposed to be studying but someone doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself. "Steve. We need to study. Correction, you need to study," I said, pulling away. We've been dating since after new years. "I'm studying," he said. "Really. And what are you studying? My lips?" I asked. He smirked, "it's an important subject," he said, kissing me again.

"Oh. Gross. Gross! Stop kissing my sister, Steve!" We looked over at the door to see Dustin standing there. "What's up, Dusty?" I asked. "Can you take us to the arcade?" He asked. "Us? Who's us?" I asked. "Me and Lucas." I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah. Grab my keys and we'll be out," I told him. He grabbed my keys off my desk and ran out of the room. "Come on, Harrington. Gotta take the children to the arcade." He groaned and fell back onto my bed. "Do we have to? Can't they ride their bikes?" He asked. I slipped my shoes on and went over to stand between his legs. He sat up, hands on my hips. "No. Now get up. And if you don't complain about it we can come back here and do whatever you want. My mom won't be home for another couple hours." I squealed when he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and ran out the door.

"Hurry up!" Dustin yelled. Steve set me down and walked over to the passenger side. "Keep your pants on," he told Dustin. I got in the car and backed out of the driveway. "So where's Mike?" I asked. "At Hoppers with Eleven. All they do is kiss," Dustin said. "I bet Hop is enjoying that," I chuckled. "What about Will and Max?" I asked him, looking at him through the rearview mirror. "Jonathan is dropping Will off. I don't know if Max will be there or not. Her and Lucas keep breaking up," he told me. "Why's that?" I pulled in front of the Sinclair house. "Because he's an idiot." Steve opened the door, got out, pushed the back of his seat forward and Lucas climbed in the back with Dustin.

"Hey, Lucas," I said. "Hey. Thanks for taking us to the arcade," he said. I just nodded my head and drove down the road. Dustin and Lucas were talking in the back quietly, Steve was looking out his window, and I just paid attention to the road. I heard an engine revving behind me and looked in the mirror to see a blue Camaro. "Looks like Max will be there." Just as I said that Billy sped past me. "What an asshole," I mumbled.

A few minutes later I pulled into the arched. I got out to let Dustin out while Steve let Lucas out. Jonathan pulled in a minute later and Will got out and walked over to Dustin and Lucas. "Don't worry I'll get him home by nine," I told him. Nancy was in the front seat with him. "Thanks, YN!" He said and drove off. "I'll pick you up at eight-thirty. Hey, Max," I said. She smiled and waved, "hey." The four of them walked inside the arcade and as I was getting ready to get back into the car Billy pulled up.

"Henderson!" I looked over at him, "yes?" I asked. "You mind taking Max home too?" He asked. I raised my eyebrow and walked over to lean on the open window. "And why would I do that? You almost killed my boyfriend and you threatened Lucas," I said. "I already fucking apologized for that. I have a date. I'm not going to be able to pick her up. If she doesn't get home by nine—" he said, trailing off. "I'll always make sure she gets home, Billy. And by the way, going to lovers lake and sticking your dick in a random pussy isn't a date." I walked back to my car and Steve and I got in and headed back to my house.

When Steve and I got back to my house we headed back into my room. Steve was quick to shut and lock my door before putting his hands on my hips and spinning me around to face him. "Now that we're alone," he said, dipping his head down and kissing me. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and he walked me backwards until the back of my knees hit the end of my bed. I fell back and scooted up towards the top, Steve crawling up after me, slotting himself between my legs. His lips traveled down to my jaw then to my neck. I tilted my head to the side to give him more access. His hand traveled under my shirt, up to my move under my bra. I bucked my hips up to grind against his growing bulge forming in his jeans.

A sharp knock on my door had us jumping away from each other. "Yes?" I asked. "YN, honey, where's Dusty?" Steve and I looked at each other. "I thought you said she wasn't going to be home for another few hours?" He whispered. "She wasn't." I stood up, fixed myself and walked to the door. I unlocked it and opened it to reveal my mom standing there. "Hey, mom. Um, Dustin is at the arcade with his friends. We just got back from dropping him off. I thought you weren't going to be home until like nine," I said. "Oh. I got off early. Are you kids hungry? Do you want a snack? Did you eat dinner?" She asked. I looked back at Steve. "We're okay, mom. We ordered Pizza. Thank you."

"I'll let you two get back to studying. Oh, YN, sweetie, when are you picking up Dusty?" Mom asked before she left, "um. I told him eight-thirty. I have to drop off Will, Lucas, and Max too," I told her. "Okay. Just call if you need me." With that she left. I closed my door and then laughed at Steve's wide eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked. He was sitting on my bed with a pillow over his lap. "No! I have a boner. Your mom could have seen that," he said. I chuckled, walked over to him, removed the pillow, and straddled him. "I can make up to you," I said. "Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that?" He asked, kissing my neck. "Well, I think if we're quiet and quick about it..."

His hands gripped my hips harder then moved down to push my skirt up a little. I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and he helped pull them down just enough that he could pull himself out of his boxers and jeans. His hand disappeared between us and moved my panties aside. He hummed at the feeling of my wetness as he slid his fingers up my slit. "Condom?" He pulled away from me and pulled one out of his pocket in his jeans. He ripped it open and slid it over his hard length. His hand went back to my hips, lifting me up a little and settling me down on him. We both left out a soft gasp. His hand stayed on my hips as helped me move up and down. I gripped his shoulders with my hands, head tilted back.

"Steve, I'm not going..." he cut me off by attaching his lips with mine, "me either. Just ,et go," he said. One hand moving to press his thumb to my clit and rubbing lazy circles on the bundle of nerves. It wasn't long until I was coming around him and he followed shortly after. Once our breathing was back to normal I got off of him, fixed myself as best as I could and snuck into the bathroom to clean myself up before coming back in the room to change. "Guess I better leave. I hate to do it right after but my parents are home," he said, walking over to stand in front of me.

"It's okay. I gotta go pick the little shitheads up. I'll see you in the morning?" I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. "I'll be here at seven-thirty sharp." He leaned down and kissed me before lacing his fingers with mine and heading out to the living room. "It wa nice seeing you Mrs. Henderson," Steve said. My mom smiled at him from her spot in the kitchen, "you're always welcome here, Steve. Be careful." He nodded and opened the front door. "I'll be back, mom. I'm going to go pick up the kids from the arcade." I walked out the door, gave Steve one more kiss and then left for the arcade.

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