Chapter Twenty: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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pɹɐnƃǝɟıl ƃuıssıɯ ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝsɐɔ ǝɥʇ
ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

A/N: there is smut in this chapter just a warning.

July 1, 1985

Robin and I were leaning on the counter by the window. She stood on the register side and I was in the break room. Robin was listening to the tape and looking in the Russian to English dictionary while I wrote down what she told me too. The bell on the counter started ringing over and over by Erica, her friends behind her. Robin turned around as she continued to ring the bell. I walked out of the break room, to the front counter and grabbed the bell away from her.

"Ahoy!" Robin said. "I'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl, please," Erica said. "No. No more samples today," she told her. Erica looked at her, "Why not?" She sassed. "Because you're abusing our company policy," I told her. "Where's the sailor man?" She asked. "Sorry, he can't help you. He's busy," I said. "Busy with what?" Robin and I looked at each other, "Spycraft."

Dustin and Steve were over by a set of the fake plates they had by the benches in the middle of the mall. "I'm going to go make sure they don't do anything... stupid." I quickly made my way around the counter before Robin could do or say anything. I stopped when I heard the talking. "You see anything?" Sustin asked Steve. "Uh, I guess I don't totally know
what I'm looking for." I giggled quietly not wanting them to know I was there. "Evil Russians."

"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like," Steve told Dustin. "Tall, blond, not smiling. Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing," Dustin said. "Right, okay, duffel bags. Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," Steve said. "What?" Dustin asked, perking up. "Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky. If you're not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars. Aw, Jesus Christ, whatever happened to standards?" I crossed my arms over my chest at what Steve said. Why did he care who she was with? "I mean, Lewinsky never even came off the bench."

"Dude, you are the worst spy in history, you know that?" Dustin said, taking the binoculars from Steve, almost choking him. "Stop, hey. Stop," Steve said. "Give me those. I don't get why you're looking at girls. You have the perfect one in front of you." I smiled at Dustin's words. "My sister is perfect. She's smart and pretty. She freaking awesome and have you seen her car?! I mean I like you Steve but you don't deserve her. Nobody does. She's the kind of girl that doesn't need anyone and if she does give you the time of day you should feel like the luckiest man alive." My heart swelled at what Dustin said. Steve nodded, "yeah I know. I do feel lucky that she even gave me a chance, man. You're right about everything. She's amazing."

"You guys! How sweet of you," I said. I walked over, kissed Steve's cheek and then kissed Dustin's. "So, see any evil russians?" I asked. "Not yet. Wait... there!" Dustin pointed. He was pointing at a tall slender man with blonde hair. "Why him?" I asked. "He has a duffle bag. Come on before we lose him." Dustin got up and started rushing after the guy after he got on the escalator. Steve and I hurried after him. Steve grabbed my hand and the three of us raced up the escalator. We slowed down once at the top. Then we stopped when he did. As he turned around Steve pushed me up against the wall while Dustin went to the pay phone. Steve trapped me between his body and the wall, his hand coming up to my cheek, his lips connecting to mine. We got all caught up in kissing that we didn't realize when the guy started walking again until Dustin started yelling at Steve to stop kissing me. "Stop kissing my sister, Steve!"

We pulled away and continued to follow the man. We hid behind a pillar and watched the guy go into an aerobics class for women. He pulled a stereo out of the duffle bag, turning it, and then thrusted his hips. "That's it. You two are done. You're horrible spys." I turned around and went back down stairs, the two boys close behind. As we walked towards Scoops Robin rushed past us. She jumped up on a bench and started spinning around. "Robin. Robin, what are you doing?" I asked. She was talking to herself then looked down at us. "I solved it. I solved the code."

After work we went up to the roof and watched the loading docks in the pouring rain. We watched as people loaded boxes into a room. "They have guns. Big fucking guns," I said. Steve was getting soaked because he didn't have a raincoat. His hair sticking to his face. We were all drenched. Dustin and Steve started arguing over the binoculars until it banged loudly on the side of the roof. We all quickly ducked down, Steve grabbing my hand. When we felt it was safe we quickly made our way back into the mall. Dustin went with Steve while I took Robin home.

When I got home Steve was waiting for me in my room. "What're you still doing here?" I asked. "I didn't want to be alone," he said. He was tucked into my bed under the covers. "Are you naked?" I asked him. He smiled and winked, "sure am, baby. Dustin threw my clothes in the dryer." I nodded, slipping my wet jacket off and my shoes. I made sure the door was locked before I stripped and crawled into bed with him. Steve's arms immediately wrapped around my waist, pulling me under him. He trailed kisses down my jaw to my neck, sucking and biting a make behind my ear before moving further down.

His lips trailing down between my breast, moving over to take my left nipple into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the hard peck, moving to give the right one the same attention then continuing down my stomach. He stopped to suck a mark on my hip bone, spreading my legs further apart, bending them up slightly. His tongue made contact with my wet flesh, my back arching slightly, a small moan escaping my lips.

His mouth sucked on the bundle of nerves, tongue swirling around it creating pleasure to bloom all over. His middle and ring finger circled my entrance before slowly pushing inside of me. I was biting my lip to try and keep the sounds of my pleasure as quiet as I could not wanting them to pass the thin walls. Steve sped up the thrust of his fingers inside of me, hitting the spot I needed him to. His tongue continued to circle my clit, suck it into his mouth. The pleasure building, the coil in my lower belly tightening, my walls fluttering around his fingers.

My ass lifted off the bed and Steve's free aem laid across my lower abdomen, pressing my hips back down. I threw my head back as I came undone. His finger slowed down before completing removing them, his tongue gliding down to clean up the mess I just made. When he was down he kissed his way back up to my lips, making me taste myself on his tongue.

He pumped himself a few times, reaching over to open the draw of my bedside table to pull a condom out. He slid it over his hardened length before gliding himself inside of me. Once settled inside he stayed still, kissing me and letting me adjust until I begged him to move. My legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his ass. He set a fast, hard pace. His hand wrapped itself around my neck in a loose grip. The air was filled with soft quiet moans, heavy breathing, and skin slapping against skin.

The coil tightening again as the pleasure built and built. "Steve." My nails dug into this back. "Let go, baby. Come for me. I'm right behind you." A few more thrust and we were both coming undone. Me releasing around him, him releasing into the condom. Steve slowly pulled out, taking the condom off, tying it, and throwing it in the wastebasket by my desk. When he crawled back into bed he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close before we both drifted off.

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