Scene 32 - Space City Facilities

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We see the two Slumpas remain tied up together, looking drained and tired. Skarva and Wrafgh's energy was becoming dangerously low and were going to die without the consumption of more Novax Castrol E7. A Savox Miner remains guarding them, looking even more tired. His spine slouches, looking as if he was about to fall asleep.


We... we can't go on... We... are dying.


We need another injection, your excellency... to stay alive.


You were faithful... and loyal to me at... all times Wrafgh. And I will never honour... another individual... so highly.


Thank you, your highness. We... must hope in prayer that... some hope will come to... rescue us... from...

The two Slumpas pass out. We then see the Rimpas trapped and tied up in their domain. Kasak and Josiah struggle against the tight ropes. The miner guarding them has begun to feel weary and tired, looking as if he may fall asleep. The walls begin to erode and crumble. Huge cracks begin crunching, appearing and creating serious instability in the foundations of the walls. The need for E7 was becoming desperate. The sleepy Savox miner does not notice this. A portable radio communicator sits on a table near where the dazed miner guards the prisoners without much enthusiasm.


Our buildings are not going to last much longer unless we acquire more Novax Castrol E7 soon. Our entire civilisation depends on them.


As do the Slumpas. We must work together to overcome these invaders. And free our miners from their curse.

The miner snores.


Whilst he is distracted, we must free ourselves to reach the radio.

The two of them try to move forward on their chairs. The legs grind as they move very, very slowly. CRACK! CRACK! More of the walls begin to look as if they're ready to break and shatter like ice. The miner still does not notice any of this.


We must keep trying. We, must, keep, trying.

They continue moving forward inch by inch. CRUNCH! CRACK! Some parts of the roof begin toppling down, unnoticed by the sleepy miner. The Rimpas worry that their cover will be blown. In spite of this, they keep inching forward closer and closer. This then cuts away to show Space City's exterior, and then back into the control room. Inside, the Savox miners and Subterrains guard Lieutenant Ninety, Dr. Venus, Eleanor and Jonathan Zero, the Commander, and Zoonie in a cluster. They wait impatiently. Zoonie cannot hold his concentration much longer, for fear of the Subterrains' threat.

Dr. Venus:

How much longer do you intend to keep us here?

Subterrain 2:

For as long as we say.

We cut back into the main power plant section. Two Subterrains, one carrying the precious Time Wheel, and Savox miners guard Steve, the Professor, and Jock.

Subterrain 1:

This is what you call a power plant? A primitive contraption, but it will do. Engineer, transfer power to the artefact. Enough to continue running Space City, but to activate the device.

Jock Campbell:

Hmph! Primitive contraption!

Savox Miner 1:


Steve Zodiac:

Do as they say, Jock. It will be best for all of us.

Jock reluctantly heads over to the control panels.

Jock Campbell:

I'll let you know when I need the E7 artefact.

Professor Matic:

Steve, why are you so insistent to just give in to them?

Steve Zodiac:

Just go along with what the Subterrains want, Matt. I know what I'm doing.

Jock begins generating more power from the reactor in Space City. We see Steve looking at the artefact, hearing a glistening sound of music, representing Herbaccum. The central light begins pulsating orange, attracting the attention of the Subterrains.

Subterrain 1:

What is now happening?

We see Steve looking at the artefact, thinking about what he wants – for the power to be drawn into the device. Jock notices the energy readings decreasing from the instruments and panels on his desks, even when he tries to increase power. The artefact was draining the energy away and absorbing it.

Jock Campbell:

All the power is running away. I can't hold her.

Subterrain 1:

Then control it!

Jock Campbell:

I can't. The whole of Space City's energy supply with be drained completely.

Subterrain 1:

Then shut down the reactor.

Jock Campbell:

We mustn't do that. Otherwise we will be without any power.

Steve looks down at the artefact. The power of the reactor from Space City was stopped being drained away. All power levels were returned to normal.

I got it back. Somehow. It's like it has a mind of its own suddenly.

The artefact was glowing with bright orange in the centre, even more so than before.

Subterrain 1:

I believe the power has been absorbed. Now that the E7 power has another force of energy to feed and work with, we can return to the control room.

We see the Time Wheel continuing its journey towards the Earth. On Rimpa, Kasak and Josiah keep trying to edge forward to try and reach the radio communicator. The Savox Miner begins to snore loudly. Kasak and Josiah reach closer and closer. The camera then cuts to show the Time Wheel spinning towards the planet Earth in the far distance. Nevertheless, the imminent doom of Earth was fast approaching. The screen begins to fade to blackness yet again...

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