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Chapter 1: Start

"Dear Chenle, you missed so much drama in those two years of your absence" Jaemin sing-sang, patting Chenle's shoulder.

Jaemin, and another individual whose name was Donghyuck, were Chenle's best friends when he still lived in Korea.

He was happy to know that they in fact, didn't forget about him, and were very happy at the news of him returning.

"Like what? Donghyuck ending up chasing the boy he said he despised for years?" Chenle snorted, looking over to Donghyuck who sent him a dirty look.

"That's not true! I'm not chasing him! We're... just friends now" Donghyuck defended, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But you wished you were more~" Chenle laughed at Donghyuck's expression, trying to escape from the devils death grip.

"I'm sorry— I'm sorry"


"I have never felt so observed in my whole life" Chenle stated, trying to hide himself behind Jaemin.

"Chenle— you've got a whole ass news article released about you, you're practically famous" Donghyuck rolled his eyes, glaring at whoever said or looked at Chenle in a wrong way.

"Donghyuck!" Someone called, all three boys halting their steps at once.

"You forgot— Chenle?!" Mark gasped, looking over at the black haired male that waved at him.

"You're back!" The two hugged, they used to be close before, mark having talked to him first because of him being friends with Donghyuck.

"Still nothing?" Chenle whispered, slightly pointing at Donghyuck with his chin.

Mark just shook his head, handing Donghyuck the papers he had forgotten in class, and disappearing into the crowds of people in the hallway.

"Weird" Donghyuck muttered.

"What class do you have next?" Jaemin broke the silence, looking over Chenle's shoulder who was checking his schedule.

"Korean" he huffed.

"I guess see you later?" Chenle bid both of them goodbye, luckily, the classroom was in the same hallway he was at now, so it wasn't a struggle to find it.

Just as he was about to reach for the door handle, he could hear a faint sound of music coming from the end of the hallway. Being the curious boy he is, he wanted to see. He still had five minutes until class started, anyways.

He walked down the hallway, peeking into the room.

Chenle felt his breath stuck in his throat.

There was no way.

The brunette inside the room panted, grabbing his water bottle that was carelessly thrown on the floor and opening the cap, chugging it down at once.

He stared at the mirror in front of him for some seconds, before he choose to get up again to practice his routine.

That is, until he got interrupted by the sound of the door creaking, and the brunette could see a peek of black hair looking through.

His heart stopped for a second, looking at the person that had disturbed his dance practice.


Jisung was blocked. He couldn't move. After what felt like an eternity, he was finally back?

"Uhm— shit sorry didn't mean to disturb you— I have got to go to class now!" And out he was.

Jisung frowned. Chenle hadn't even given him time to greet him properly!


Chenle sat at the back of the korean classroom, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying.

He had seen park Jisung. Out of ALL people he could've ran in on the first day, it had to be Jisung?!

Jisung. His past best friend. He used to spend his time always with Jisung. You could rarely see the two of them apart before.

When Chenle moved to Korea for the first time, his first friend had been Jisung. The cute boy he met at a park. His first time going to an amusement park, was with Jisung. His first time getting a score 100% on a test, because Jisung had helped him study. His first time learning a choreography, because Jisung had taught him.

His first time falling in love. Because of Jisung.

Jisung and his stupidly cute smile, Jisung and his stupidly adorable nature. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid—

"Mr. Park, you're Late. Why's that?" The teacher spoke up, looking at the student who was carelessly standing at the door of the classroom.

"We have the dance tournaments in one month, I was practicing Mr. Choi" Jisung smiled, knowing damn well that the school cared 100 more times about their dancing, singing and rapping careers instead of normal studying. After all, it was a school of performing arts.

"Okay, now, to what I was saying.." and Chenle tuned out the teacher once again.

Why did he have to be in this class?! Chenle mentally cursed at himself, his eyes darting back to where Jisung was sitting every now and then.

Stop looking at him you dumbass!

The brunette had grown so much— it wasn't the Jisung he knew back then. He looked more mature, wiser even. His round glasses sitting on top of his nose just perfectly, his slightly long dark brown hair falling over his eyes every time he looked back down at the book in front of him.

Not to mention he grew much taller. Two years ago, Chenle always made fun of Jisung because he was taller. Now Jisung was the taller one.

He spent the rest of the hour staring at jisung.

"Oh guys! Before you leave, I have to announce an assignment." Mr. Choi said, hearing a round of groans from all the students.

After explaining what they had to do, Mr. Choi had finally arrived to listing the partners for the project.

"And least, Jung Sungchan and Zhong Chenle"

"That's it for today guys, you're dismissed"

Chenle let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He was kinda happy that he hadn't been paired up with Jisung, but with a stranger it might be even worse.

"Are you Chenle?" A voice shook him out of his thoughts, as he stood up from his desk, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and looking at the really tall male in front of him.

"Yup, that's me." Chenle smiled.

"I'm Sungchan, your partner for this project" Sungchan introduced himself, stare lingering on Chenle more than what it should have.

I couldn't leave y'all w only the prologue sksnjend

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