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Chapter 6: Start

"You know, I think Sungchan likes you" Donghyuck said out of nowhere, watching amused as Chenle choked while eating.

"W-what! No! No way, you're crazy" Chenle defended, waving his hands around aggressively.

It had been more than a month now, that the new school year had started.

And stupid Park Jisung had decided to invite Chenle to the dance tournaments this Saturday.

"We're coming too, by the way" Jaemin said, referring to the dance tournaments.

"Why?" Chenle asked.

"Because mark will be there and Donghyuck has the fattest crush-" Jaemin started, hissing once Donghyuck slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Stop, jaems" Donghyuck groaned, feeling his hands shake at the thought of seeing mark.

"Awh c'mon! Really, when Jeno told me mark had fucked up, I thought he said something bad or shit like that, but no! He kissed you! And you ran away?! What kind of coward are you??" The pink haired gestured aggressively, hoping Donghyuck got the point across.

"I- i- he probably didn't even mean it— and no, don't say anything we're changing subject now." Donghyuck stated.

Chenle was left with his mouth agape.

"Since when were you and Jeno so close?" The oldest of the three asked, eyeing Jaemin as he smiled while texting Jeno.

"What do you mean? We've always been close" and Jaemin winked to them as he left to go (Donghyuck guesses) to Jeno.

"Where's he going?" Renjun showed up, taking jaemins place at the table.

"Who knows" Chenle sighed.


"Chenle, are you ready?"

"Yes, mother" Chenle huffed, tidying up his suit one last time before going downstairs.

"Behave please, and be polite. Me and your father will be leaving tomorrow at 11am, would you like to send us off?" Mrs. Zhong spoke, her tone firm and elegant as she entered the limousine.

"I'm deeply sorry mother, but I've got plans for tomorrow morning." Chenle gulped before answering. His mother was kind of scary.

"Ah is that so? What plans if I may ask?"

"A dear friend of mine invited me to one of his competitions"

"Have fun then, dear. Now, smile, and remember, don't answer any of the questions" Mrs. Zhong put on her 'celebrity face' as she exited the limousine, Chenle following suit.

He always hated the blinding lights of the cameras, and the stupid questions of the journalists and paparazzis.

Chenle wished he could have a normal life.


"I'm nervous" Chenle confessed, playing with the hem of his lilac sweater.

"You're nervous? Imagine how nervous Jisung must be, this is a lot of people" Jaemin looked around, kinda in awe at the number of people present.

"Yup, that's a really big stage" Jeno suddenly appeared, sneakily throwing an arm around jaemins waist.

"Let's go sit" Donghyuck started walking away, doing everything in his power to avoid mark.

Jisung of course, had made sure his friends could have a seat in the front row, which was a nice gesture, but it honestly made Chenle even more nervous.

"Calm down, it's alright" renjun patted Chenle's shoulder, and just then, the lights dimmed and the announcers voice was heard.

"Jisung's in the second last group, right?" Mark asked, making Donghyuck flinch because the brunette hadn't even realized the older was sitting right besides him.

He was way too focused on his own thoughts.

"What are you doing? Text him! Like good luck or break a leg- no wait that isn't good in this situation- Uhh" Jaemin pushed Chenle jokingly.

"Okay" Chenle grabbed his phone, clicking on his instagram messages.


Hey! I just wanted to say good luck! You'll do great!! 💕

Thank you lele! It means a lot <3
I'm super nervous

That's completely normal! Don't worry too much, and enjoy it!

I will, thank you lele ❤️


"Jisung is up now" Jeno announced, looking at the stage with a concentrated stare as his hand clutched onto jaemins.

"Oh my god" Chenle took a deep breath, as the music started.

And now, Chenle was sure he fell in love all over again.

Of course, he'd seen Jisung practice the routine, but with the stage outfit, his expressions and his whole team surrounding him, it was heaven.

Chenle was torn between if the term Angel or Devil suit Jisung more, but that didn't matter, since when the music stopped, Chenle's screams were the loudest.

And as jisungs eyes met his, and the younger broke out into a smile, chenle felt his heart burst.

Merry Christmas to everybody that celebrates it, best of time to all of you ❤️

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