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Chapter 4: Start

"You left me on read yesterday" Jisung said behind Chenle's back, sneaking up on him.

"Jisung! Don't scare me like that" Chenle held a hand over his heart, trying to mask his blush. "A-and sorry, i-I fell asleep before I could answer"

"I was kidding, lele" lele. Chenle gulped. That stupid nickname. Chenle felt his stomach explode in a thousand of butterflies.

"uhm—yeah anyways. Do you- do you maybe want to go out after school?" Jisung mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs. He didn't know why he was feeling so shy.

Chenle was about to scream yes, but he realized he had to work on the assignment with sungchan. They wanted to be finished with it early.

"I-I I'm sorry but i'm working on my assignment later, with sungchan." The older could see how jisungs face fell, and his heart couldn't handle that.

"B-but I think—I might be finished around 6, if that's not too late for you?" Chenle offered, kinda rethinking his life decisions.

"Sure, ill take you out on dinner then. I'm gonna text you the details later, bye lele"


For the second time that day, someone had sneaked up to Chenle and scared the shit out of him.

"What's with scaring me today?!" Chenle groaned, sighing and waving at Sungchan.

"Sorry, I wanted to ask you something that's mainly why I came up to you" Sungchan scratched the back of his nape, confidently sharing eye contact with Chenle.

"I have a basketball match— tomorrow and I wanted to know if you wanted to come and see? It's alright if you can't—"

"Sure, at what time is the game?" The younger agreed, smiling.

"it starts at 6pm but everyone arrives half an hour earlier. No need though if you don't want too!" he smiled, his eyes turning into crescents.

Eye smile. A feature Chenle was absolutely weak for.

And there they went.

His thoughts.

Back to Park Jisung.

"T-That's cool" Chenle said, completely lost as he looked behind Sungchan, where Jisung was happily talking with a girl.

Chenle recognized her as shin ryujin, she was (at least two years ago) one of Chenle's old friends girlfriend.

"Uhh- Chenle?" Sungchan called again, to no avail though, because Chenle seemed to be in a complete other world.

And that was until someone bumped into him. Chenle luckily managed to balance himself and not to fall, but the person that bumped into him, tripped and was about to meet the cold concrete.

Until Sungchan caught him.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry" he gasped, detaching himself from Sungchan and apologizing to both.

"Thank you— f-for catching me. I'm sorry again" and gone he was.

"Who was that?" Chenle asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, Shotaro. I think he's in my math class" the taller shrugged, not paying much mind do it.

"I have to go now, bye!" The raven haired suddenly bid goodbye, running to where he saw Jisung walk.

Sungchan sighed, looking at Chenle's back disappearing from his sight.

Why did it feel like he was playing a game he was bound to loose?


Chenle didn't know why he ran after jisung. He didn't even have the guts to start a conversation—


Chenle hoped Jisung was having a dance practice. Definitely not because he wanted to watch Jisung dance, no, and definitely not because he would pay to see hot and sweaty Jisung. Nah.

Once Chenle was in front of the room, he peeked inside, cheering once he saw jisungs figure.

"You know, this seems like a Deja Vu" Jisung abruptly stopped dancing, having noticed Chenle since the start from seeing him through the mirror.

"S-sorry! Didn't mean to disturb you" Chenle chuckled awkwardly.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Jisung asked, running a hand through his already sweaty hair.

"I have a free period"

"Then, would you like to watch me dance?" The younger invited him, a pretty smile resting on his face.

Oh and Chenle would be a fool to turn such offer down.

He nodded quickly, throwing his backpack on the floor and sitting down next to it.

Jisung didn't say anything else, as he pressed play to the music.

And it was safe to say it had been the best hour of Chenle's life.

"Hey—" Jisung stopped him from leaving for his next class, grabbing his forearm.

"I- I usually practice here on Sunday's alone, if you want I can teach you some choreos"

Chenle smiled, agreeing with the idea.

Jisung felt mesmerized by Chenle's smile.

Hellow my fellow friends

I am sorry for not having updates in weeks. Nah fr I literally felt like I had no time. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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