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Chapter 16: Start
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Like We Just Met - NCT DREAM

When they reached Jisung's house, they tried to be silent... but their shoes squeaking with every step they took weren't helping.

"Jisung?.." someone whispered, suddenly turning on the light of the living room, revealing the two boys and a puddle of water on the floor.

"Goodness! Oh god, take off your shoes and hurry to the bathroom!" Mrs. Park stressed, deciding that she would ask about Chenle later.

The two boys complied, trying to not leave much water behind as they walked into the bathroom.

"Guys, undress. Here are some clothes. Chenle, I'll hug you once you're dry, okay?" She chuckled, handing them two sets of clothes, closing the door.

They looked at each other, suddenly blushing. "I'll- turn around" Jisung said, leaving Chenle to dress first.

Once Chenle was done, he tapped Jisung on the shoulder to tell him that he could dress now.

Chenle turned around, grabbing a towel to try and dry his hair at least a bit.

There was a knock on the door. "Are you guys done? I made some hot chocolate!"

"We'll be right there!" Jisung shouted, and Chenle thought that he could turn around then, assuming that Jisung was done changing.

He was not. And Chenle was left staring at his toned stomach.

"Like what you see?" Jisung smirked, startling Chenle, who shrieked and ran out of the bathroom.

"What happened? What did my son do this time?" Mrs. Park shook her head, a sly smile making its way to her face when she noticed Chenle's pink cheeks.

"Nothing" he replied, his voice higher than usual.

"Lele" She said, opening her arms for Chenle. The boy smiled, feeling like crying all of a sudden.

Mrs. Park had always been like a second mother for him. When his own mom was too busy for him, Mrs. Park was always there to comfort him and help him resolve whatever problems he had.

"I missed you, cutie" She mumbled, stroking Chenle's soft hair.

Jisung leaned against the wall, looking fondly at his two favorite people.

His mother looked up, motioning him to come and join the hug.

Chenle tensed up slightly when he felt Jisung's chest against his back, but he relaxed right after.

"You haven't eaten anything, have you guys? Go do something upstairs while I prepare some food"

Both boys nodded, walking upstairs to Jisung's room.

When Chenle saw his room, it's like he was hit by a train of memories all at once.

Chenle would come and refuge here anytime he needed, escaping from his suffocating parents and living situation.

It felt like his own room, somehow.

"Does it look the same as you remembered?" Jisung asked, whispering it into his ear.

The last time he was here it was dark, and he wasn't really paying attention to Jisung's room.

"Some new posters and pictures... but as messy as before" Chenle chuckled, running his fingers over a framed picture of the two of them on Jisung's desk.

"It's not that bad..." Jisung pouted, grabbing some random clothes off the floor and throwing them into his closet.

"That's not fixing anything" Chenle shook his head, laughing.

"Shut up, let's cuddle"

"I refuse" Chenle crossed his arms, looking at Jisung's confused expression. The younger had already thrown himself on the bed, expecting for Chenle to join him.

"I told you that I liked you, and you didn't even answer!"

Jisung sat up, shocked. He had been to busy kissing Chenle, to even respond to his confession.

"Wasn't the kiss enough?" Jisung raised an eyebrow, amused by the way Chenle would blush just by hearing that.

"I like you so muchhhhhh" Jisung said, acting cute.

"Are— are you acting cute?!" Chenle gasped, stretching out his arms to pinch Jisung's cheeks.

Jisung grabbed Chenle's waist, dragging him down on the bed alongside himself.

Chenle was now laying on top of a very amused Jisung. "You're so cute"

"I know, tell me something new" Chenle joked, flipping his imaginary hair.

"You're so beautiful that every time I look at you, I feel like I'm not worth enough to be around you, because you're so freaking amazing in every way possible. The prettiest Angel." Jisung answered sincerely, his gaze not once faltering.

Chenle gulped, feeling like he was about to cry. "Sungie..." He mumbled, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

"Chenle—" Jisung couldn't continue talking, because Chenle had kissed him right then and there.

"You got your confidence back?" Jisung snorted, stroking Chenle's cheek.

"Sometimes I have my moments"

"Chenle... would you like to be my boyfriend?" Jisung asked, linking his hand with Chenle's.

"Is that even a question?"

"Chenle, you better say yes!" Suddenly a shout was heard from across the door.

"Mom, what the fuck! Stop eavesdropping!" Jisung groaned, making Chenle burst out laughing.

"Watch your mouth, Park Jisung!" She warned, and then they could hear the footsteps of her walking back down.

"Yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend" And now, it was Chenle's turn to tease the fuck out of Jisung.

"Guess who's blushing now! Ha!"

"You're a tomato! I just said I would love to be your boyfriend, not that I'd marry you!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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