Al's Diner

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Note: For the purposes of this fic, I will make references to LP that may not be all correct. For example I know Xero was not created by Mike, Chester, and Phoenix.

Al's Diner. This is where my friends and I hang out after school. We've been going to this diner for years. This is where Chester, Phoenix, and I first met three years ago, our freshman year of high school. The three of us ran up to the counter at the exact same time and ordered a strawberry milkshake. We became best friends after that and decided to come here whenever we could after school. Not much has changed since then. Phoenix's still a ginger with short hair and green eyes. Chester still has brown hair that's shaved with brown eyes and still as annoying as ever. As for me, I have black hair that I dyed from my naturally blue hair and I have dark brown eyes. Anyways here we are at the diner just a few days after the milkshake incident with Chester and Phoenix sitting at our usual spot at the counter near the middle. I was feeling restless and in a creative mood, so I grabbed a napkin and a pen and just started writing down lyrics. I was just about finished when all of a sudden there was strawberry milkshake all over the napkin. Thinking it was Chester messing with me I turn around, "Chester! I.." There was a brunette with brown eyes looking at me, but she was definitely not Chester. She smiles at me and looks at her now empty milkshake cup, "now we're even. You're welcome." I watched with disbelief as she made her way to the end of the counter away from me. Great, now I get to clean up a mess that wasn't my fault, again.

"Holy crap. That was awesome! Mike what the hell did you do to piss that girl off?" Chester asks. I glare at him, "this is all your fault. She's the girl that you made me spill milkshake on!" Chester smiles, "really, well she looks pretty cute for someone with a fiery temper. So you going to go for her Mike?" I shake my head, "now is not the time. I don't even know her." Just then Phoenix joins the conversation, "oh, that girl is Emily. She's a senior at Riverside High, she's almost 18, and her dad owns this place". Wow you learn something new everyday, wait a minute... "Phoenix, how do you know her" I asked. Phoenix shrugs and takes a sip of his soda, "before we became friends I used to come here by myself and one day I bumped into her and we started talking. We're pretty good friends, and we still talk." Slightly interested, Chester asks, "what's she like?" Phoenix smiles, "you're not her type even though you guys are pretty similar. She loves art and music. She can be annoying and just straight up rude, but once you get to know her, she's pretty cool." With that, we all agree that we should get to know her more. We gather our things and with one last glance towards her direction, we walk out the door.

Next day-

It's my last period of the day, math class, I should be focusing on the lesson, but I just can't seem to focus. All I'm thinking about is how Emily and I are going to get along. We started off on a pretty bad note. *ding* well, might as well get this over with.

Chester, Phoenix, and I walk into the diner and place our orders, I got a strawberry milkshake again. Then instead of sitting at our usual spot, we choose a booth and wait for Emily to show up. A few minutes later she walks in completely oblivious to the world, ignoring everything but her phone and walks towards her corner. Phoenix calls out to her, "hey Emily, wanna join us?" She finally looks up from her phone, "what did you say Dave?" She says as she walks toward us. Phoenix chuckles, "you haven't changed much, still deaf as ever. I asked if you wanted to join us." She looks at us then shrugs, "sure, I don't have anything better to do." She sits next to Phoenix since the other side of the booth is being occupied by Chester and I. Afterwards our order shows up and Emily starts laughing. Her laugh is so contagious that Chester starts laughing too. Not understanding I ask, "what's so funny?" She and Chester exchange a look and laughs some more. "It's just that..... your order... oh my gosh" she tries to tell me. Chester knowing I still didn't get it says, "you ordered a shake again, that's what got us to all be here." Emily agrees with him, "yeah, you just can't get enough of that shake can you?" After that outburst it was quiet for a second.

Breaking the silence, we decide to ask each other questions and learn more about each other. We tell Emily that we go to Desertroad High. We also tell her that we're starting a band named Xero with Chester as the lead singer, Phoenix on the bass, and me on piano or guitar and rapping. She tells us that she loves rap and rock music and would love to hear us play sometimes. She also says that she doesn't know what she want to be yet, but she is really interested in the arts. In the end today was a great day, we even started a game. It's called the napkin game.

Emily came up with the game. Everyone has to grab a napkin and put something on it, poem, art, or whatever. Then you pass it to the next person and that person on a new napkin has to put something on the napkin and pass it down. In the end everyone looks at the napkin and just have fun with it. Emily started and gave the napkin to Phoenix. The game will end tomorrow and we all decided to meet here after school to see the napkins.

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