Creativity Outlet

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*note: Guys, this is the chapter I've been so excited for! I have had this chapter planned for a few days now, and I am totes happy about it. This is my Chester moment! (In case you didn't notice he's my favorite). Oh and I realize some things for the creative part are technically nonexistent but... I just had to put those references in. Btw, the cussing is Chester's fault. Heads up, there's an extra note at the bottom (it's just for references I made, for a better visual too). Alright hope you guys enjoy :)

It's Friday and the last bell just rang signaling the end of school. I wanted to get to the diner as soon as possible, since it would be busy (like it is every time the weekend comes around). Naturally, Chester and Phoenix took their sweet time, so I had to drive like a mad man (I'm definitely bad to the bone, I went over the speed limit,~ I was doin' a 55 in a 54). "Woah Mike, slow down. Just because she's your girlfriend now doesn't mean we need to be there any earilier" Phoenix said. I slow down back to the actual speed limit, "I just want to be able to get there early, she said there was a surprise waiting for us." We finally got there and I practically ran to the door, but before I got the chance Chester ran in front of me, "haha. I got there first. What...." with that he ran into the door. Phoenix and I start cracking up, my stomach hurts so much from the laughing. After we were done laughing and Chester was done freaking out over hitting his face, I tried to open the door. That's when I realized we couldn't get in. I looked up and saw a sign that said closed for renovations. I frown and remember that Emily said her dad wanted bonding time. I was about to suggest we go back when the door opened. "Well, you guys just gonna stand there or you gonna go inside", yep that's my girl. We walk inside and see that all the furniture has been moved away from all of the walls. Confused Phoenix asks, "what's going here Emily? Are you guys moving the diner?" What? No way. Al's Diner has been here for as long as I remembered. Emily chuckles at our horrified faces, "no silly. There's no way I'd let dad move us. I finally convinced dad to redecorate. Our plain white walls are just too... well, plain and white." "Well why didn't you tell us?" I ask her. She smiles, "I figure it would be better as a surprise, besides seeing Chester slam into the door was priceless. I videotaped it." We all start laughing except for Chazzy Chazz, he was upset that we enjoyed his pain, apparently he "could have died or damaged his adorable face". All of a sudden Alan comes out, "alright guys grab a paintbrush and let's get the creative juices flowing. I have all different colors of paint over there on the ground." Chester was the first to grab a paintbrush, "so what color are we painting this wall." Emily and her dad say in unison, "whatever you want." Seeing all of our confused faces Emily explains, "we want all of you to pick a spot and add whatever you want on it. Since this is our hangout place we might as well leave our mark on it. It would be like a time capsule we can see everyday. So get as creative as you can!" This sounded like an amazing idea! With that in our mind, we all set off to find a spot and add our own style to it.

A few hours later we have all put the base color on the wall, and we're about to add our own thing on it right now. We all put our favorite colors, Chester has red on half and his real favorite: tickle me pink, Emily has green, Phoenix has well, he likes clear so to improvise he painted the sky with a few white clouds (there's a sun with shades too) and I painted my wall a very pale beige even though that's not my favorite, it just compliments what I want to put on the wall better. Even though we just started, we were all a mess. Let's just say you should let Xero and Emily have access to paint... it leads to a paintball war with brushes. "Hey stranger " I hear someone call me a I was going to get the pale green paint. I smile, "oh no, I'm already all purple from the paint war, I don't need any other colors" I say to Emily. She smiles, "who said anything about paint?" Before I could ask what she meant she tackled me to the ground. "Ow, why..." I didn't get to finish my thought and I was okay with it. She finally got me back. She kissed me first. A real kiss, not just a peck. The kiss lasted for about a minute, "um... you know that Chester is still here right?" Chester informs us. "Yeah, Phoenix is here too, and needs the orange that you guys are in the way of" Dave announces. Em and I get up and she says, "fine, we'll continue later" and with that she walked towards her wall. I stared at her until she noticed and told me to stop looking at her wall, to be honest I forgot the wall existed. What was I doing? Oh yeah.... pale green paint...

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