Amusement Park Fun

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*note: Yay! I finally have a cover to use. My amazing sister made it for me (she loves collages). Well here's your warning: this will be a chliche chapter (hopefully my only one); I love cliches so I had to have one chapter. Anyways hope you enjoy it.

Also... I don't know how long or if this person is going to continue to read this but... I'd like to thank UpSideDownWorld for the comment on my first chapter! You are amazing <3

It's Monday, which means it's a school day. Normally I would be out of it, but ever since the weekend and my date with Emily (it is a date. Chester said so. Because she kissed me on the cheek.) I've been so happy. Not even mondays can bring me down. The guys and I are meeting Emily at the diner since it's been forever since we were last together (not really we hung out yesterday). Even though I'm happy to see her again, I'm also nervous. I think I should ask her out on a date. She asked me for the first one, and to make sure she knows that I like her, I need to ask her out on a second date. Here's the thing though, she's really unpredictable. So Chester may be wrong and that wasn't even a date. She might not even like me.... suddenly Phoenix slapped me, "ow! What was that for?" I ask out loud even though we were in the middle of English class and we should be working on our project (I finished it by the way, Phoenix helped, but Chester, well, it's Chester. He tried to help...). "Calm down. I've known Emily for a while now and she hasn't acted this way towards anyone. She likes you, so you just need to trust your heart and ask her out. Don't wimp out on me" Phoenix explains. I nod my head in understanding, but wait, "how'd you know I was having an internal conflict. Oh it's cause we've been friends for a long time huh?" Chester laughs and cuts Phoenix off, "or it's cause you were talking out loud the whole time and we just wanted you to stop before you embarrassed yourself further." I frown, wow I really need to get my problems fixed. I don't want to have everyone know I'm having girl problems.

After school we made our way to the diner and we went to the booth with Emily in it. She was waiting for us with our food already ordered (and yes she did remember my strawberry milkshake. She's definitely a keeper). We all sit and eat our food, hanging out and talking about our day. Then the guys give me a look and announce overly dramatic (both of them) that they were going to the bathroom to "answer nature's call" (their words not mine). This was my que to ask Emily for a date. I open my mouth to ask when she interrupts me, "why are they going to the bathroom together? Isn't that a girl thing... and here I am a bennoda shipper...." not knowing how to explain I stare at her. Wait what was that last part? "Emily" I basically shouted at her, "um... sorry. So, do you maybe want to go to the amusement park with me. You know like on a da.....te.... to ride the rides?" She smiles at me, "I would love to go on a second date with you. Can it be on Thursday though? Dad wants bonding time over the weekend." I quickly agree, not even caring that it would be a school night.

Finally Thursday night was here. Right now Em and I (yeah, that's my nickname for her) are on our way to Pacific Park, the closest amusement park. We barely got through the entrance before she dragged me to her favorite ride, the pirate ship. About two hours later we have been on almost all the rides except for the one I wanted to go on. "It won't be that bad. I'll be there to protect you" I tried to convince her. She just shook her head and said, "hell no." I did my best impression of puppy dog eyes and asked her again. She shakes her head, "that doesn't work on me, but just this once I'll agree to it since you begged." Before she could change her mind I dragged her to the roller coaster, luckily it was Thursday, so there wasn't a lot of people. We were next. Emily gulped as she heard the people scream and go upside down. I held her hand and told her I would be with her every step of the way. She looks and rolls her eyes at me, "of course. There's no way I would go on this by myself." I smile as we make our way to the front of the roller coaster ride. We both sit down and strap in while Emily death gripped my hand. She was actually doing fine until we got to the loop, and unfortunately (for her), there were three and we went backwards. I have never heard her, scratch that, anyone, scream that loud in all my seventeen years of life. As soon as we got off the ride, she punched my arm. I was used to it by now, but I still said ow. She got even more mad at me when I insisted on buying the picture that they take on the ride. I was pretty normal smiling, while Emily looked extremely frightened. I still thought she looked beautiful though. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a basketball game where you could get a prize. I knew how to make it up to her for the whole roller coaster ordeal. I went up to the game and asked the guy how I could win the prize and he said that I had to make three baskets. I paid five dollars to have the three basketballs and shot them one by one. I'm not the best at shooting hoops, but I can make the baskets. After making all three baskets I asked the guy for the prize. Emily looked at me amazed as I handed her the giraffe stuff animal she had been looking at ever since we first passed the stand. She smiled and said, "thanks, you're forgiven." Now there was one last ride to go on, the Ferris wheel.

We got on the Ferris wheel and when we got to the very top Emily got up and looked out the big window. I get up and stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She smiles, "this was always my favorite part of the ride. I love being so high up and seeing the tiny people down on the ground. They look like ants, and I want to kill them" (yep, that's my girl) I smile and lean in to kiss her when she stops me, "sorry Mike. I don't do cliches, that's more my sister." I sigh, I'll just have to get her some other time....

After the date, we go back to the diner to grab a bite to eat. We both get the usual and her dad also gave us a strawberry cheese cake to share, "well, it seems both of you love strawberries, so I thought that you guys might enjoy this dessert." He was right we did enjoy the dessert. In fact we enjoyed it so much we fought over who got the last bite. Naturally, Emily won, but she had some on the corner of her mouth. This was my chance, I kissed the corner of her mouth. Before she got the chance to hit me, I pecked her on the lips. She smiled, "fine, you got me that time. I'll get you back though." Yep, she's definitely a keeper. This was the perfect second date.

Since she was already with her dad, I didn't have to drive her home. I got into my car and saw something on the passenger seat. Of course, there was a napkin on it was a checklist with three things, all checked: [×] yes I did have fun, [×] yes our second date was awesome and it was because of the giraffe (jk, you were pretty awesome too), [×] and yes I know you've been dying to ask: I will be your girlfriend. Here I thought this night couldn't get any better. I put the napkin in my pocket (I'm wearing a pocket tee) and grinned like an idiot the whole drive home. I am the luckiest guy in the world, who would have known I would end up being with the girl whose artwork I ruined with my favorite shake. I still need to thank Chester for that, guess that's why I keep him around.

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