Mike's Birthday

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*note: well... the title just gave away what I wanted you all to think last chapter. So amazing idea for this chapter (at least I think so). This is the first (and probably only) chapter in Chester's point of view. Btw, the two annoying fangirls are back. I'm sorry for the crappy chapter, I'm running out of inspiration. Hopefully next chapter will be better. Enjoy :)

Chester's POV

Well, right now we're in government and I should be paying attention, but all I can focus on right now is the party. Everything has been going well for Mike's birthday surprise. Emily, Phoenix, and I have been working really hard to make sure everything for the party is perfect. We haven't been able to hang out with all of us together though, because we need to keep Mike distracted. It was decided that Phoenix would do the distracting since I'm a horrible liar and Emily wanted to be the one to plan the first birthday he would have with them as a couple. He hasn't suspected a thing, but lately he's been acting different. It's almost as if he wants to tell me something, but won't. I think he's starting to put two and two together knowing that we're hiding something from him. Luckily for us his birthday is tomorrow. If we had to be secretive for another week, I'm sure we would all fail. Currently operation gotcha Mike is in the final stages. The party is being held at Republic Grounds, and as we're speaking the decoration is being done. All the guests have been invited, mostly just people at our school, some fans, and some people from Riverside High. All that really needs to be done is for us to get the cake. Suddenly my phone buzzes, I look at the text and smile. Emily texted- Chester the molester, don't forget to meet me at Tia's Bakery to pick up Mike's awesome and specially ordered cake thanks to me. I text her back- No problem Emily the abuser, I don't know how Mike puts up with you, and I helped pick out the cake, so I get some props too! I look up after feeling a pair of brown eyes staring at me. I see Mike looking at me looking kind of distressed. He's in one of his overthinking mode again. I guess Phoenix and I will have to help him relax and stop his thinking.

It's now lunch, and we're sitting at our usual table. I look over at Mike and see that he's still tense, "hey, stop over thinking and just spit it out. What's on your mind?" He looks up at me then asks, "how have you and Emily been?" Caught off guard I look over to Phoenix, who just shrugged, "um... okay I guess. Still the same, I joke and she hits." He nods his head then goes back to being silent. I try to think what might have happened for him to ask that question when all of a sudden I remembered.


I was at Riverside picking Emily up so that we could find the location for Mike's party. Naturally, when I saw her I went for a hug, but she hit me. We were joking around about who Mike loves more (it's me just to be clear) when these two girls came up to us. I really can't remember their names nor do I care so I'll just call them girl number one and two.

1: omg you're Chazzy Chaz! I'm in love with you! what are you doing here?

2: yeah, and where's Mike my future hubby?

at this Emily tenses up and I knew she wanted to punch these girls. I decide to let her do the talking since I couldn't be bothered by them. Emily gives me a look telling me to play along.

Em: oh, he's actually here to pick me up. We're going to be meeting up with Mike later too.

1 and 2: omg! You hang out with Xero? You are the queen. Can we come along and hang out too?

Em: sorry, no can do. Xero only hangs out with worthy people. Plus they don't get involved with other girls besides me.

1: what.... but they aren't dating anyone....

Em: well you don't know that for sure.

2: you're just another groupie, so don't act like you're any better.

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