Napkins (again)

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*Note: Sorry peeps (btw I hate the marshmallow) I'll probably update when I feel like, hopefully at least once a week.... Anyways, here's Mike being bored Mike.

It's sunday now and there is nothing to do (well, nothing I want to do). Chester and Phoenix are both busy with their families. Wel, actually only Phoenix is, Chester got grounded. Something abut pulling a prank on his mom during her speech when her boss was getting married. Let's just say that an exploding wedding cake and fruit punch being thrown in the air is not the best sight to see during your mom's speech that could land her a promotion. Moral of the story is, kids, don't be like Chester. Anyways now I'm at the diner just drinking a shake (strawberry, of course) and being bored. Emily's not even here right not, well at least she has a life. Hey, look... there's some napkins.... and I have a pen.... and Emily's not here with a drink...

About an hour and a half later, I'm done with my drawing. It's actually pretty good, but wait is that... "Hey!" Shouts a loud voice next to me. "Is that suppose to be me?" Emily asks. She sits in the stool next to mine. Emily raises an eyebrow then continues, "What's with you and napkins? Well, whatever, it's pretty good. I'd buy it." I shrug, "thanks, I'm really into art. I have tons of random sketchbooks just filled with drawings." Emily smiles, "Really? Me too! Art's my way of expressing myself, it relaxes me." I nod my head, "I know exactly what you're talking about." She pulls out her phone, "Here I'll show you some of my artwork." I laugh and tease her, "Well, someone's conceited." She rolls her eyes. We spend the next hour looking through her art and just talking about the different styles and pieces we've been working on. It's refreshing to be able to talk to someone about art, I actually had fun.

After a while of just sitting I start to feel jumpy, "Hey, you wanna go for a walk?" She nods her head, and off we go out towards the small patch of trees. There's a tiny forest like place about five minutes away from the diner. Perfect place to go for a walk or just to chill for a little bit. We talk a little bit, and just enjoy looking at the trees and being close to nature.

We get to a clearing and decide to lie down and cloud watch. We were trying to see who was more creative. It started off normal, "That's a bunny". Then, not so much, "oh, a unicorn with a fire breathing talking banana." After that we just chilled and talked a bit about the beauty of nature and art. "So" Emily sits up, "Why'd you guys decided to make a band?" I smile and think back to that day, "We all love music and were bored one day at Phoenix's garage. I was writing some lyrics and Chester just snatches them out of my hands and starts to sing with a tune. Then Phoenix Picks up his bass and starts to jam out. Then I imporvised a little rap. After that, we laughed and decided to make a band." Now it was my turn to sit up, "so, how come you're always at your dad's place?" She shrugs, "I don't know, ever since I was a kid I've been coming here. I practically grew up here. I know the people here pretty well. It's my second home, plus I have nothing better to do."

After a while, it was starting to get late. We decided to walk back to the diner. "So, we have a preformance next friday. If you want, you could come see us." She smiles, "Sure, I've been wanting to see you guys play. Just let me know a time and a place."

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