The Concert

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*note: so.... I kinda left this story with a crappy ending from last chapter..... my bad. Well hopefully I get better, anyways read on. Btw I own none of the names of anything I write. There's this magic search engine called google that helps me with name ideas... And as stated before I own none of the awesome songs made by linkin park. Oh and sorry if the line breaks get confusing.

<3 also I would like to thank SteelClaw for commenting and basically letting me tell myself that I have to continue. Thanks, now I know people actually read this.

"Yo. Mike! Still no response, Mikey, Michael. Mikester!" Chester screams at me. I snap out of my daydream and look at him. "Sorry, did you say something?" I ask because I wasn't paying attention to what he and Phoenix were talking about. Phoenix laughs, "dude, really still? It's been almost a week already and you're still thinking about what happened with Emily Sunday?" I shake my head and my voice gets all weird, "whhhaattt?psh I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't been thinking about her." Chester smiles too, "nope, Phoenix is right. You're in deep. Worst case of inlovebutindenialitis I've seen in a long time." I make a face at them, "you guys are crazy. Why would I still be thinking about her..... besides, I haven't even seen her around after that" and I go to her dad's diner everyday. Chester slaps my back, hard I might add, "oh, suck it up. Phoenix and I haven't seen her either. Besides you still saw her Sunday when we weren't there." That's true. I wonder why she hasn't been around. She told me the diner was like her second home, it just doesn't make sense. Well, hopefully I get to see her tonight. Xero is playing at Republic Grounds, a hot underage nightclub for young people to hang out. Our dream is to work our way up until we can one day play at The Canyon Club.

It's thirty minutes till nine, when our band is set to play, and we're in the back room getting ready and doing some last minute preparations. I sigh and Phoenix pats my back, "don't worry about it. Emily said she'd be here, so she will be". I nod my head in agreement. Then Chester all pumped up yells, "alright guys, let's do the huddle and get real pumped up for our fans! This is our chance to show them the new song we're putting out." After the huddle we hear the fans shouting our names and we know that it's our time to go out there and play our songs. We walk out on stage and I see all the fans and the bright lights in the club.

"Hey, yo, guys are you guys ready!?! Alright I want to hear you guys sing along to the songs. We love to hear our fans." Then the music starts and when the lyrics started all the fans were singing along (loudly too, which was awesome).


From the top to the bottom

Bottom to top I stop

At the core I've forgotten

In the middle of my thoughts

Taken far from my safety

The picture is there

The memory won't escape me

But why should I care

[Chorus x2]

There's a place so dark you can't see the end

Skies cock back and shock that which can't defend

The rain then sends dripping / an acidic question

Forcefully, the power of suggestion

Then with the eyes shut / looking thought the rust and rot

And dust / a small spot of light floods the floor

And pours over the rusted world of pretend

The eyes ease open and its dark again

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