College and a Band

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*Note: more of a filler really, next chapter will either have the boys together or finding out more about our new characters. Thank you to @Flight_In_Death and @ilovebvbfl for helping me finally finish writing this chapter by commenting and being super awesome... I had half of it done... But I got stuck on the second half... Oops

I gotta say, college life is really putting a strain on my musical talents. More of my focus is on my artwork so I don't have as much time to do stuff for Xero. Plus I haven't seen the guys in a few weeks so it's been hard to talk about the future of the band. At least I still have Emily with me. Oh, and Joe's a pretty cool guy too. He really knows his stuff and has vision for all of his work. His music taste is pretty cool too. I recently learned that he's been DJing on the side. Pretty cool, the guy can make some sick tunes with the turntables. He might be able to switch to doing music or even a director with his talents...

Finally, I decide to go check on Emily. I was just about to walk out the room when Joe shows up, "hey, thanks for opening the door, saved me from getting my keys." I smile, "no problem." He looks at me about to leave and says, "heading out to see Emily again?" At the mention of her name I couldn't help but smile, "yep. I haven't seen her since yesterday so I figure I'm due for a visit. Besides, I bet she wants me to help her brainstorm for that project we just got." He just nods and wishes me good luck as he went into the apartment.

I get to Em's apartment and was about to ring the doorbell when the door opens. A pretty brunette walks out with a smile, "you must be Mike, I’m Emily's roommate. I would stay and chat, but I have to go. I'll see you next time." All I could do was nod my head and move out of the way so she could leave. Emily then shows up with a confused look on her face, "Mike, what are you doing just standing at my front door when it's opened?" realizing I hadn't moved I say, "oh, I just ran into your roommate. Speaking of which, when did you get a roommate? I didn't hear you mention her." She just shrugs while letting me in, "she got her a few days ago, I guess the subject just never came up. Plus she's not an art major, she's more of a writer, so you probably haven't seen her around." I nod and accept her explanation since it wasn't a big deal. We move over to the living room and just as I suspected, Em had her sketchbook out and was still brainstorming for the project. Em was sitting on the couch in the living room with a bunch of different sketches around her. "Looks like someone was hard at work." She looks up at me and frowns, "I just can't seem to figure out what I want the theme to be. I've gone through millions of ideas, but none of them seem to be good enough." I take a seat next to her, "that's not true. You're an amazing artist. I'm sure everything you came up with was good." She just shrugs, "but it's not what I envisioned for this project." I nod understanding what she means. It's not that she's not good, it's just the ideas don't fit with what we need to be doing. The good news is that the project isn't due until the end of the semester when class is over. We decide to brainstorm together for the project to see if we could help each other out.

*Three hours later...

"Oh! We could have a fire breathing bunny with laser pointed eyes!" I chuckled, "yeah, and it could be gigantic like Godzilla! But instead of terrorizing Tokyo, it would be Los Angeles!" We both laughed at the idea but then I calmed down, "that has nothing to do with the topic though..." Em nods in agreement, "yeah... It's a pretty cool idea, but it doesn't fit in with the whole what inspires you in your everyday life." 

After looking at the clock and realizing we spent three hours on this project and got nowhere, we decided it was time for a break. Plus it was getting late and a good time to have dinner. Since we were both so comfortable in the apartment, we decided to just order pizza. We both got our own pizza since Emily refused to share and she had a huge appetite. I got a large with pepperoni and Em got a pepperoni with mushroom. When the pizza arrived we both dug right into it. After eating all we could, we both sat on the couch unable to move due to our food coma. "Ugh, I can't eat another slice" Emily groaned. I laughed, but stopped since I wasn't feeling so hot.

We stayed in our spots for at least another half an hour when Emily got bored. "I'm bored." I laugh, "Well, what do you want to do then?" She shrugged. I pondered for a moment, "oh! I know. We can check up on the guys and see how they're doing." Emily immediately sat up and gave an evil smirk, "I have a better idea..." Uh oh. This couldn't be good.

Minutes later, we were on the phone. Or rather, Emily was, but her poor victim was on speakerphone. She dials the number on her apartment phone (since no one knew that number yet) and waits as the phone rings.

"Hello? This is Chester speaking." 

Em does her best impersonation of a guy, "hell-low, I would like. A large pie. With ham pineapple and cheesy crust."

"What? A pie with ham? And pineapple? What kind of dessert is this?"

"I would also like. A large pie. With bacon pineapple and cheesy crust."

"Oh... You think this is a pizza place... Dude, I'm not a pizza place. This is Chester."

"Hm... You know what let's play it safe. Let me get another large pie. With pepperoni pineapple."

"For the last time. This is not a pizza place. And dude. You need to stop with your pineapple and cheesy crust addiction."

"Okay yeesh. It was a resounding yes to the cheesy crust. Mike says you read his mind."

"What? I didn't ask and who the f*** is Mike!?!" "Wait a minute... Emily?"

With that we both busted out laughing. "Oh Chester, you are so easy to prank!" Chester pouted, "not funny guys. I was seriously concerned for that guy's health. Like who only eats pineapple and cheesy crust? That's just wrong. And if he wanted pie, at least get donuts instead, they're way better." We all started laughing again while Chester continued being serious about this fake man. We even ended up sending him the YouTube video to show him his prank. 

After we all stopped laughing we decided to call Phi Phi since Em has a multiple call line. We decided to use the same prank since Chester thought that we were the only two to know that video. He was proven wrong cause Phoenix played along exactly like the YouTube video. We all ended up laughing at Chester some more while we retold his reaction to Phoenix while he pouted in the "corner of loneliness and mean friends"

Finally after all the laughing was over we all caught up with what we were all doing. Em talked about our project, her roommate, and that mysterious girl she saw. I talked about Joe and how I thought that his mixing skills were awesome. Phoenix talked about his new best friend Brad and how he's really awesome at playing the guitar. Chester talked about this beautiful girl he saw at the bar and I've never heard him so serious about a girl before. We all decided that we needed to meet and bring the new people we met to get to know the band. It's been settled that in two weeks we would meet in LA for a little vacation. Xero will be reunited soon and hopefully we can figure out some new songs while finally getting to hang out.

Note** This prank is totes not my idea… I’ll put the link to the YouTube video: Key and Peele are hilarious and awesome people!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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