Freshmen Again

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*note: So... I decided to just skip to college... this is going to be difficult since I have to let you guys see the other characters too... okay, here goes. Thanks to @Tussan00 and @Flight_In_Death for the comment. You two are lovely <3 Btdubs... Some familiar faces are going to show up... ;)

Finally, high school is over and we had an amazing summer where Xero got to play some more gigs and I got to write more songs. Now that all that's over, we're going to be freshmen again. At least we're in college now. In fact all of us have decided to move into our place this week, which is a week before class starts, and try to get a feel for our campus. I just finished unpacking my last box and am waiting for it to be seven so that I can go pick Em up from her apartment and we can grab a bite to eat.

I was just about to open the door to leave when all of a sudden I bump into someone. "Oh, sorry man, didn't know you were out there" I said to the Asian guy shorter than me. He shakes his head, "it's no problem, I guess I should have paid more attention... Wait a minute... are you Mike?" "Yeah, I am... how do you know that" I question him. He laughs, "wow, you're not too bright are you? I'll give you a hint, I'm renting this place too." Still confused I ask, "what do you mean? My roommate isn't here yet and his name is... oh! It's you!" He laughs some more, "yep, I'm the one and only Mr. Joe Hahn." Finally getting it now, I laugh too and we talk for a little bit more before I realized that I still had to go get Emily.

I finally got to Emily and we are currently sitting at a restaurant near the college called 1810 Argentinean Restaurant. It's a fairly nice steak and pasta joint and it was near by, making this the best choice since Em was complaining about being hungry and starving even though I was only five minutes late. We order our food and then start talking about our day and the new people we met. All the while doodling on the kid's menu and of course paper napkins. I told her about how I met my roommate Joe, and she started to tell me about this one girl she ran into, "she was quiet and really pretty. I didn't say much to her though since she was in a rush. I didn't even get to catch her name. Something about her seems interesting though..." She would have continued, but our food arrived and all thoughts about the mystery girl was gone as we both devoured our food. Man do I love a girl who isn't afraid of eating.

Phi Phi's POV

Alright! I'm a collegeman now! Well... freshman... but that still has the word man in it, so yeah! I just know that college is going to be a blast! As soon as I'm done unpacking.... *several hours later* Finally, now that I'm done it's time to explore. As I step foot outside of my dorm I'm suddenly stopped by the RA whose name is Jeremy, "Woah, what do you think you're doing there?" I raise one eyebrow at him confused, "Um, I was going to check out the campus." He snorts, "well, don't you think it's a little too late for that?" "What do you mean? It's only... Holy Crap! It's midnight! How the heck did I take so long unpacking a few boxes?" The RA shrugs, "How am I suppose to know? Anyways, not my problem. It's past curfew, so you need to stay in your room buddy." With that he turned around and proceeded to ruin other people's plans. Man this blows... I headed back inside my room when all of a sudden I tripped over a pair of headphones. I pick myself as well as the headphones up... what the? I look up and I couldn't believe my eyes... I scream, "BRAD!!!!!!!!!!" as  I run and tackle the other dude in the room lacking his signature headphones. Brad screams as he hits the ground. Afterwards we both get up and Brad takes a few steps away from me, "okay... I'm assuming you're my roommate since you have a key to this room, but... how do you know my name?" I just smile and pull out a napkin and hand it to him. On it is a picture similar to the one I drew on the wall at Al's and it was a picture of Brad.

Chester's POV

Man, I never thought I would actually be at a place like this. Looks like I finally made it. I'm in college. Stranger things have happened I suppose, but I'm glad that this is real. I go to my dorm and unpack my stuff then decide to go and grab a bite to eat. I head out to a bar and decide to get some nachos and a beer. I pay for my food and sit down on a barstool and wait for my food. My plate of nachos is sat in front of me as well as a beer. I say thanks and look up and my breath gets taken away. In front of me was the most beautiful girl I ever saw and there was no way she was old enough to be working at a bar (okay... I shouldn't be drinking either, but still, I had a long day unpacking). She starts to walk away when I stop her, "hey, beautiful, what brings you here?" She actually stops and turns around. She even laughs and right then I think I'm in love with her. She smiles and says, "it's kinda my job." I smile back and ask, " what's your name beautiful? Unless you prefer me to just call you that." She laughs some more and blushes a little, "You flatter me. My name's Talinda. Now that you know my name, do I get to know yours?" I pretend to think it over, "well, that depends what would you call me? I think Beautiful suits you, what do you think suits me?" She gives a small smile and ponders this, " well, if I'm Beautiful then I guess you're my Mr. Handsome." I smile back, "I think I like that. You can call me Mr. Handsome." She pouts, "well Handsome, that's not really fair, you got to know my name." I laugh a little, "How about this Beautiful, I'll tell you the next time I see you." "What makes you so sure you're going to see me again?" I shrug, "I know where you work Gorgeous" with that I give her a wink and take the first sip of my beer. Her response is just to smile and walk away to the next customer who called her over. I eat the rest of my meal while keeping my eyes on Beautiful over there and that's how the rest of the night went until her shift was over. Every now and then I would catch her glancing my way and each time I wished she would come back over, but sadly her boss wasn't too happy with her socializing with one customer for too long.

Talinda's POV

I glanced at Mr. Handsome staring at me while I worked and I couldn't help but smile. Something about him makes me think that everything will be alright and I like that feeling. My shift was about to end, so I went into the back to change. I hurried up hoping I would be able to catch him before he left, but no such luck. When I got back outside he was gone, all that was left in his place was his empty plate and beer bottle. I sighed and picked up the mess when I noticed something. There was a napkin under the bottle and on it was his handwriting, "I'll see you next time Beautiful" with a huge smiley face next to it and it was sighed C Bennington. Hm... So his name started with a C huh? His last name is Bennington, why does that sound so familiar to me?

*Note 2: wow... way too many POV's, this probably won't happen again... I can't do the character's justice if I keep switching the POV's. Anyways, this fic is definitely still about Emily and Mike, but since they're not all at the same place I decided to let you guys see what the other guys are up to. Poor Phi Phi, at least now he knows his "imaginary" friend Brad is a real person. And aww, I always found real romance adorable and Talinda and Chester definitely have that. Sorry if I got any details wrong. Oh, and kids, don't be bad like Chester drinking at 19 (he got held back a year, that's how he and Mike are in the same grade) and I'm not exactly sure how old Talinda is but for the benefit of this fic, she's 18. Also, the restaurant Em and Mike went to is real, I've never been there, but that's the beauty of google. Anyways, stay lovely my stars <3

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