chapter three

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I walk through the hallways of this stupid high school. Everybodies eyes on me like always, they need to learn that staring is rude. I pass by Luke talking to a girl, I passed right by him. Hey, atleast he didn't notice me because if he did he would try and talking to me.

I walk into my last class of the day and I realize i'm never usually in this class I don't know how I pass maybe because I pass all my test but i'm never in here because I usually ditch. I see the familiar blonde quiff boy sitting in the back corner. I see him telling me to sit by him but I ignore and sit in the other back corner.

They start the class and I daydream most of the time. The teacher announced a project we have to do with a partner and teachers being assholes she is choosing our partners and I just kept listening until my name pops up.

"Blaire and Thomas" She says.

"But Mrs.Munoz i'm already with Calum" Thomas speaks up to the teacher.

"Oh right Blaire your with Luke" Mrs.Munoz says.

I grit my teeth and give Mrs.Munoz a stare and hopefully she changes my partner. But obviously she doesn't. Luke gives me a small smile and I just flick him off.

The bell finally rings and I get up fast and start walking out to my car. I get to my black slick car and get inside. I get out my phone and see the notifications I got I reply to Michael and then suddenly someone knocks on my window I look up to see Luke.

He's trying to signal for me to roll the windows down but I don't want to his little annoying self. I ignore him and he's basically pleading I roll down my window and he waves at me.

"What do you want?" I ask him pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Come to mine's tomorrow after school to do to the project" Luke says to me.

"Fuck no if were actually doing this shit together your coming to my apartment" I say to him.

"I'll text you my address" I say to him regreting everything I just said. I close the window and drive off.

I get to my apartment and just as I opened my door my phone rings I look at the caller ID and see that it's none the less my fucken mother. I answer I may hate her but she's my mother.

"What do you want?" I say answering.

"Oh honey I just wanted to talk to you" She says to me and I already know she's lying.

"Bullshit. You wouldn't want to talk to me unless you need to" I say to her.

"Why would you think that?" She ask me.

"I mean you kinda kicked me out for not believing your own daughter!" I scream at her and I feel the hot tears running down my face and I hung up on her and throw my phone to the wall and just fall to the ground and cry and cry.

I hear my door open and there the only person who has always been there for me, Michael.

He picks me up and hugs me he is the only one who knows everything. He is the only I could trust.

"What happened Blaire? Talk to me
Please" He says to me.

"Sh-e call-ed" I say breaking through my words with my sobs.

"Whatever she said don't listen to her she's just trying to get you to go back home" He said to me trying to make me stop crying.

"That's not home. This is my home now" I say to him and clean up my tears.

"I'm done crying. I hate crying so much" I say to him and walk to the kitchen for a napkin to wipe my face.

"Are you gonna stay today?" I ask him.

"Yeah I am" He says to me.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask him.

"Honestly I just want to order pizza" Michael tells me.

"Okay you do that" I say to him. I walk to the couch and just sit there.

He finished ordering the pizza and he walks over and sits on the couch next to me.

"Hey were you the one that gave that Luke guy my number" I ask him.

"Yes why?" He says like if it's not big deal.

"Are you fucking serious? He's so annoying like he's trying to be friends with me who does that?" I complain to Michael.

"Honestly he's the biggest fuckboy around he's probably just trying to get in your pants" Michael says to me.

"If you knew this why would you give him my number?" I ask him just a bit mad.

"Because I know you wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on you" Michael says to me. I take out a cigarette of my pocket and light it.

"You need to stop smoking I don't want you to die on me at a young age" Michael says to me trying to take it out of my mouth and he fails obviously.

"I can't Michael their my escape. My escape from this fucked up world. They make me feel free and make me go to another world. I will stop once things get fine"

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