Chapter 25: Ryujin vs Karina

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Play 'Blood Sweat and Tears' by BTS

Seungri High School (승리고등학교)

April 20th, Tuesday

9 AM

Ryujin's POV

I feel my blood boiling inside me, I'm about to explode. Karina keeps being touchy with Yaneli, I get it they're close but ever since we fought, Karina is constantly with Yanae.

And what it seems like, Yaneli replaced me with Karina.

If this is some sort of revenge coming from Karina, Soojin, Yaneli and others, I hate it.

Even though Yaneli forgave me and friends too, I still am not sure if this is the doing of Karina, Soojin, Minnie, Yoongi, Namjoon, or Sunghoon.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking and this is nobody's plan.

Today is sports day at school and we're having multiple competitions: Soccer, running race, tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and overall fitness competition.

Yaneli is taking part in everything and I'm going to cheer her on in every round, I'm also hoping to play on the same team as her during basketball, volleyball and tennis to hopefully impress her since she's like the most athletic girl in our school.

"Karina! Do you think I'll win?" I heard Yanae yell to Karina, who was right beside me.

She completely ignored me and only focused on Karina. This isn't fun! I hate this!

"I don't know lovey, maybe second place. You're going against Jungkook, if you beat him, you're a fucking superhuman."

The nickname 'lovey' that Karina gave Yanae never bothered me but today, it made me furious and I wanted to explode.

"Yanae, if you beat Jungkook I'll give you 131,900₩!" I yelled, making her look at me for the first time today.

A/N:131,900₩ is worth $100.

"But if I beat her, you give it to me." Jungkook interrupted before the coach called everyone participating in the race to get ready.

The ones participating in the 3 mile race were Jungkook, Jimin, Beomgyu, Jungwoo, Moonbin, Yaneli, Chaeyoung, Yuju and Yubin.

I'm obviously putting my money on Yaneli.

"Ready, set... GO!"

I felt a rush of adrenaline rush through my body as I saw Yanae run straight past Byeomgyu, Yubin and Chaeyoung.

Everyone cheered and yelled, cheering for the 9 students as loud as they possibly could. The Jungs were the loudest people I've heard, I'm pretty sure Yaneli could hear them from a mile away.

I was shocked to see Yaneli maintaining the speed and momentum and almost passing Jungkook, winning the race.

I need to say I'm very impressed, but not only impressed by Yaneli and Jungkook but also the rest of the 7 running who were constantly passing each other and running faster and faster every second.

My heart started pounding in my chest as I kept cheering for Yaneli when she was about to pass Jungkook and actually win the race. Just a few more meters and then...

She made it in first place!

"YEAH BABY! I LOVE YOU!" I yelled as she stopped in of me.

"YEEAAHHHH YANELIIIIIIIII!" J Hope and Wheein cheered for their sister as the rest caught up.

Their relationship is just so adorable. It's golden.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is none other than Jung Yaneli!" Our coach announced, placing a medal around her neck.

"And we would like to take you to the tennis court in about five to ten minutes for the tennis match!" He added as the students started to go their own ways.

With a proud smile, I went to Yaneli as fast as I could but I guess Karina was faster than me. I watched in shock and horror as I saw her kiss her cheek.

What does she think she's doing? Does she think that she could kiss her and nothing will happen? Did she forget that she has a boyfriend?

My heart sunk as she continued to be touchy and flirty with my Yaneli. That's what I used to do with Yaneli, not miss Yu Jimin.

"Ryujin, you okay?" Wheein appeared behind me, slightly chuckling.

"Oh u-uh yeah, I'm fine." I answered, trying to seem like I wasn't staring at her younger sister.

"Okay, I'll see you on the tennis court." She laughed before she walked away with J Hope.

As I turned around and looked at Yaneli, I felt my blood run cold as I saw some girls and guys surrounding her, completely fangirling and doing things like touching her muscles and giving her lingering hugs while yelling that she is so hot and so fit.

I have had about enough. I pushed through the countless fangirls and fanboys and made my way to Yaneli, still fuming in anger.


"Ryujin-ah, come on let's go to the tennis court." She said before I could say anything, which left me a little surprised but relieved.

She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together as we started walking to the tennis court, my heart fluttered at the small, simple action which we've been doing for years now.

"Don't you wanna change? I mean you're playing too and that looks a little uncomfy." She asked as we headed to the school.

"Yeah but what about you?" I questioned back.

"I'm going to change too, I'm too hot. Hope you didn't notice I stole your shirt a few days ago."

I did notice but I don't mind. Especially the choice of the shirt. She stole a small black crop top with thick straps which would show half of her back and chest, she'd look super hot in it.

"I did but I don't care." I said as we entered the girls locker room which was empty.

As we started changing, I couldn't help but continue taking glances at Yaneli.

She just looked hot wearing my shirt that was almost the same size as her sports bra and black basketball shorts with her hair up in a high ponytail with a few loose strands in the front.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

As we finally headed straight to the tennis court, seeing the coach waiting for us.

"Okay now we're gonna start the tennis match. Please welcome team Jung, consisting of Jung Yaneli, Hoseok, Wheein, Wooyoung, Chanwoo and Chaeyeon! And also team Kim, consisting of Kim Namjoon, Taehyung, Jiwoo, Gaeul, Jongin and Jimin!"

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Tysm for reading this chapter!
Be sure to look forward to future chapters I put out

"I fell in love with my best friend and I don't know what to do. Help"

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