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They woke up entwined on her couch the next morning, her head resting on his chest and one of his arms loosely resting on the small of her back as the other cradled his head.

Loki awoke first, momentarily disoriented and with a numb arm from spending hours lying on it in the first bout of deep sleep that he'd had in a long time.

He quickly recovered from his bleariness and realised the position they were in, so he stayed put and stared towards the white ceiling while listening to her gentle snores as her thighs kept his still exposed member warm.

It was a surreal moment for Loki, it had been a long time since he's been in a position even close to this and truthfully, none of them felt as strangely relaxed and natural as that exact moment.

Like this was where he was meant to be.

He didn't know how long he lay there, silently embracing the moment, when she started stirring, her thighs threatening to catch him between them as she moved.

"Careful now," he said quietly, his voice still husky from sleep, his hand running up and down her back, "I'm still very exposed here."

"Hm?" She murmured, lifting her head to look up at him with half-lidded eyes. "Sorry."

"Don't worry," he chuckled, kissing her temple.

He paused briefly as he took note of what he'd just done, something out of pure reflex that he had no conscious decision of and yet, it still felt right.

She didn't react either beyond smiling and nuzzling her cheek into his chest, letting out a tired sigh.

His hand came up to stroke her hair, nimble fingers massaging the back of her head.

"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked absentmindedly.

She hummed then tilted her head to look up at him, her eyes still bleary from sleep.

"I didn't, but I think now I should be thinking of grabbing a morning after pill."

"Ah, yes," he chuckled, his hand sliding from her hair and down her back, "I do apologise for not being prepared."

"It was impromptu for us both, don't you worry," she pushed herself up to press a kiss to his lips, a lazy and closed mouth kiss that avoided any swapping of morning breath. "We both had fun," she continued after pulling away and settling back against his chest, "I guess we'll just have to keep protection around, if we plan on seeing each other more often."

"I certainly wouldn't mind that."

"Me neither," she smiled. "Though you could have used magic for it, couldn't you?"

"Technically, but do you really want to rely on an unreliable source when I can barely concentrate because you're riding skills are worthy of those of an Asgardian warrior."

She laughed and buried her face into his chest, trying to hide her red cheeks from him.

"Shut up."

"I can't compliment your talents?"

Loki caught the end of an amused eyeroll as she pushed herself up, her hands braced on his chest as she set a leg down to stand up.

"Not when all I'm wearing is a shirt and your dick is hanging out."

She smiled down at him, giving his chest a couple of pats before she shuffled into the kitchen, leaving him to tilt his head in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her ass from his perfect position before she disappeared.

"I'm going to take a shower," she yelled through the kitchen, "do you want to join me?"

Loki paused, his hands hovering over the waistband of his open fly where he'd been preparing to tuck himself away, which seemed pointless if he took her up on the offer.

It would just look utterly ridiculous, like a ten-foot mini walk of shame.

"Sure," he called back, deciding to simply tuck himself into the boxers for the short trip. "I'll join and then I'll drive you to the pharmacy."

"Are you sure?"

Loki rounded the doorway, his hair mussed and fly still open to expose the dark green boxers he wore beneath.

She stood there, looking back at him with innocent curiosity in nothing but the shirt she was wearing yesterday, the sun shining in through the window and her hands twisting the underwear they'd discarded last night in her hands.

Something flipped in his stomach and he found himself smiling, feeling that familiar domestic comfort washing over him again.

He nodded, crossing the tiled floor to clear the gap between them, his feet padding gently against the floor.

"Absolutely positive."

She smiled and nodded before turning away and continuing to her room, pulling open the door to her en-suite bathroom.

Loki couldn't tear his eyes away from her and there was a flittering moment where something clicked in his head and he knew that he had two options moving forward.

He either took a step back and cut this off before it got too deep and had a chance to flourish during the rest of his forced time off, or he chases the feeling and let things run their course as they would.

She poked her head around the still open doorway of the bathroom, tugging on the sleeves of her shirt as she started to slip it off.

"Are you coming?" She asked, throwing the shirt onto the bedroom floor.

He watched, his mind taking its time to come to the right decision.

Then he chuckled and nodded, taking a step towards her once again, crossing the threshold between the kitchen and the short hallway that led to her bedroom.

"Yeah, yeah I am."

(Thank you for the patience with this chapter.
I'm sorry it's taken so long to come out, I lost my mum in May and it's been a while since I've built up the want to continue writing but here we are, back in business.
I apologise for it being so short, it's more of a filler chapter and one to help get me back into the story after a forced hiatus.)

All Work and No Play - Loki x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now