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Rose Vila Wheeler

He took a towel and cleaned up everything around my thighs. He then proceeded to pull my jeans up for me and button them maintaining eye contact with me the whole time.

I have butterflies.

What no. It's just aftercare. Every person should take care of you afterwards.
My standards are too low, I'm fine. It's fine.

I shouldn't be freaking out over something little like this.

But the eye contact.

Okay. You know what, change of subject. "So um, do you maybe need anything else?" I question sitting up watching him as he stands up from his knees.

"Nope I'm fine." He replies with a smile.

Okay it's staring at me. Wow he's bricked up.

"You sure?"

"Mhm." He crosses his arms over his boner and turns around walking to the kitchen.

"Im just gonna get water." He grabs a glass and fills it with water.

I grow a surprised look on my face standing up also, but my legs feel like complete jelly.
Very wobbly. It's okay, I can still walk. Maybe I should just sit back down actually.

"Water?" I question watching him take a big drink.

He nods his head chugging the water that was currently filled up in the cup.

He then fills up the cup with more water.

"More water?"

"Yes. A lot of more water." He replies before chugging that down too.

I run my fingers through my hair looking around, the wallpaper is nice.

"Do uh- you maybe need anything else?" He questions from behind the counter.

I look back over to him, "What- oh no. I'm okay- perfect. I'm perfect." I respond. My cheeks heat up, I'm blushing. Oh my god stop blushing.

I dip my head down and grab my bag, "Okay Eddie, um well, I'm gonna go now. Uh thank- yeah thank you for that." I stumble on my words slowly standing up from the couch.

"Are you okay?" He's looking at me. I'm not looking back.

Okay I made it up, and I'm walking. I'm fine. Yeah.
"Yeah I'm okay."

"Okay Ro- uh Wheeler. Bye." He calls out once I reach the door.

The door shuts behind me and I exhale out a long breath that I feel like I've been holding the whole entire time.

Once I get inside my car I take some time to reflect on what just happened as I drive off.
Eddie Munson made me moan, Eddie Munson performed oral sex on me.
I'm invading his mind.
He's invading mine.

Okay. I should worry about everything else.

My dreams. After telling Nancy about what I saw involving Max, we both decided to keep an eye on her and keep this between us until I dream of something else that relates to Vecna.

But it's scary, I was having a flashback about mine and Steve's kiss, and then Vecna invaded my mind.
It was like I was reliving that flashback all over again.

Then the darkness, it's like the place El would describe to me when she's trying to find someone. Dark and empty. Water on the ground.

            I walk through my door to smell breakfast in the air.

"Hey hun, sorry I missed you this morning where'd you go?" My mom questions as I walk through the door.

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