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Rose Vila Wheeler

I walk behind Nancy cautiously approaching the house and following in behind her as she opens the door.

I'm instantly hit with a crisp drift of air. It has my skin crawling with bumps and it makes the air around me feel tight and hard to breathe.

Its been a while since I've been down here. I'm not exactly gonna say that I'm having a hard time, but I'm having a hard time.

All the memories from when I was stuck down here is implanted inside my memory and digging in back to the surface of my brain.
I hate it here so much.
But it's not as terrible now that I have people with me. 

"Might be time to get a maid you guys." Robin jokes.

I would laugh at her attempt to make me feel better about the situation, but in all honesty I'm completely and utterly in a state of mind where I'm frozen in the ability to have no human emotion.
So really I'm laughing in the inside.

"Come on, I don't want to have to stay here longer than I have to. Rose check your room I'll check mine."

Nancy begins to walk up the stairs and I follow behind her as well as everyone else.

I turn down the hall to my room, wow.
Okay that's not totally freakish.

I'm completely stuck in a daze as I stare at the sight in front of me.
It's like my room but a twisted version of it.
It's so... upside down different dimension-ish?

I walk in, I go straight to kneeling under my bed where I keep my guns.

"You had guns under there the whole entire time?"

Eddie's voice has me let out a scared gasp and I freeze as I see him coming in through the doorway.

He holds his hands up in defense, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I shake my head and lift up my bed covers draping on the floor.

"It's okay, you just can't just... appear like that down here. It'll catch me off-guard."

I search for the black box and eventually I find it.

"Right... hey uh I wanted to ask you something." He begins.

I nod my head allowing him to speak as I pull the black box towards me and open it.

"I guess I just wanted to ask if-"

My heart physically falls to the pit of my stomach as I pull out old books and magazines from the box from years ago.

From my freshman year in high school actually.
I threw these out.

I throw them out of the box until they scatter somewhere around my room.

"What's the matter?" Eddie asks alarmed by my sudden behavior.

I shake the box and flip it upside down emptying everything out.

But no damn guns.

"Nothing- I just... my guns-" I stutter, I'm so confused right now. Where the hell would they be? Where are my fucking guns and why do I have shit from years ago stuck in here that I threw out?


"Eddie my guns! They're not in here. I mean, stuff from- years ago is in here but not my guns..." I throw the box aside and I search more under my bed.


Completely stressed out I stand up with a huff, moving to my bed.

I throw the covers off, maybe the guns somehow landed up in here.

the freak (eddie munson) Where stories live. Discover now