Chapter 19

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??? POV

"Ouch! Hyung!"

"I'm sorry, just... try to be still, I need to make sure it's not infected"

"I'm sure it's fine, just - OUCH - leave it"

The voices drew me out of my sleep and I blinked a few times to adjust my vision.

"Do they know where we are?"

I heard a sigh.

"I'm not sure, maybe"

"Do we have to move again"


- Peaceful silence -


I grumbled and walked over to the source of the noise.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, still groggy.

"Tired. Hungry. And it hurts" the injured one said with a light laugh. At least he could still smile.

I frowned at his wound, we had tried our best to patch it up, but I was so worried it would get infected and make him sick. I wanted to kill the monsters that did this to him. If I ever saw them again I just might.

He would have this deformity for the rest of his life now, and for what? Why did they even do it?

"Are you going out today?" I asked the other.

"Yeah, I want to keep our money supply up while I can, especially if we have to move soon"

I hoped we wouldn't have to move again, I really liked this spot. But if we were found out, then we wouldn't have a choice.


I woke up slowly, fading in and out of sleep for maybe half an hour. The bed was so nice and warm and I was reminded of the reason why when I looked down. Yoongi's head was still nestled close to my neck. His arm was pulling me tightly against him and our legs were intertwined. His ears tickled my neck and I could feel his tail wrapped around one of my legs.

I blushed a little at our positioning, I mean, it was a little suggestive. Sure he was a hybrid, but honestly it didn't make a difference to me. Right now a beautiful, sweet man was hugging me in my bed.

My heart was so full and happy, if I could stay like this for the rest of my life then I would. Maybe the only thing I would change is that I'd have all three of them here with me instead.

The hand I had resting over Yoongi's shoulders slowly made its way to his hair, and I scratched lightly. His hair was so soft and it smelt like... hold on? It smelt like my shampoo? I leaned in closer to make sure, and, yes it was definitely my shampoo!

Although I found it quite funny and cute, especially since I had bought them all the bathroom products they would need, I was also a bit worried since hybrids had specific hair products that were safe to be used around their ears. I decided I would bring it up later.

I continued scratching and got closer to the base of his ears. Purring noises came from his chest and I took that as a good sign. Movement at the end of the bed suddenly caught my attention, and I felt something brush against my foot.

As a reflex, I sat up to see what was touching me, making Yoongi grunt in disapproval. I didn't really care about him at the moment though since I was faced with the cutest thing I think I've ever seen. A fox and cat snuggled together.

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