Chapter 4: Coping

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When the ninja got back to the monastery, all of them went to bed except Nya who went in her room and closed the door.

Lloyd noticed this and knocked on her door. 

"Nya are you ok?" Lloyd asked.

He didn't get a response so began to walk away.

"Don't go." he heard come from her room.   

He looked back and noticed it was opened.

He walked in to see her sitting on her bed, crying.

"Hey, its okay." Lloyd told her.

"I just can't believe he's gone." Nya said.

"I know how you feel." Lloyd said looking down.

Lloyd looked at her, still crying, and hugged her.

"It'll be okay." he told her before leaving her room.

Lloyd closed his door. Stared at a mirror and pulled something out of his pocket.

He pulled up his sleeve and placed the object on his shoulder.

"This is my fault."


Cole entered his room, threw off his armor, and layed down on his bed thinking about Jay.

He thought about all the good times they had together. He began to cry before falling asleep.

He woke up to his alarm clock. He got up went to the bathroom before looking himself in the mirror.

He walked outside his room to see everybody but Lloyd sitting at the table.

"Wheres Lloyd?" he asked.

"He's locked himself in his room." Kai responded.

Cole just wanted to get out of there, so he grabbed a jacket and went into the city.

He went to a coffee shop and sat down looking at his phone.

He got a text message from Vania.

Remembering what he had said, he asked if she was in the city.

She responded with 'yes'. Cole told her t meet him at the park.

He left the coffee shop and went to the park.

He was sitting on a bench when Vania walked up.

He looked at her. She let her hair down again and was wearing a white hoodie with a picture of Chompy on it.

"Did you get that custom made?" Cole asked her.

"Yep! Pretty cool isn't it?"


They talked for hours about their life, childhood stories, and their future..

For once in the past week, Cole was happy.

Cole went back to monastery and got hit with the hard slap of reality. 

He walked into the living room to see everybody but Lloyd.


In an abandoned warehouse

"Hey boss, I think your gonna like this!" the crook said walking in on something.

"You have to be the stupidest criminal ever! Chumsworth!"

"It won't happen again, I promise!"

"Get the hell out of my sight!"

Pythor walked into his room, but as soon as he locked the door, the room exploded.

The figure Pythor was talking to began to laugh quietly. 

"Now what?" they said to to criminal.

"The blue ninja is gone boss." 


"He is dead, boss."

The figured laugh some more before saying, "This is where the fun begins."

I know how you feel: A Ninjago storyWhere stories live. Discover now