Chapter 15: Stolen

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Cole sat in his room looking at his phone when he received a mysterious text message from Ronin.

It told him to meet him at a warehouse.

He arrived at the warehouse only to be knocked out by a bat.

He was dragged in and was hung by the foot.

He woke up a few hours later feeling weak and lightheaded.

"What the hell?" he said softly.

"Oh, you're awake." 7 told him.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, just one thing."

She took a staff pointing it towards him.

It consumed his power as Cole screamed in pain.

After his power was stolen, he passed out.

7 unchained him and threw him in a cell where Ronin was also there.


(At the monastery)

"Alright, Lloyd, Nya you go to the rooftops. And Zane and I will go at ground level." Kai told the others.

It had been a day since Cole was gone, which was unusual for him.

They went to the city.

Lloyd and Nya found it and broke in.

7 was ready to fight as she was expecting them.

She took of her mask revealing herself.

"Harumi?" Lloyd asked shocked.

Nya was speechless.

Harumi pointed the staff at him as it took his power. 

Just as Cole, he screamed in pain.

When it was done, he dropped down barely breathing.

Nya grabbed him and got out of there telling the others that the needed to leave now.

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