Chapter 24

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"Have you gotten the ninja yet?" Harumi asked through the screen. "No, but i'm on my way now. Their at their weakest point ever. Two of them are gone, one is weak in strength, everyone else is weak mentally. Piece of cake." Ronin said. "Don't underestimate the ninja Ronin, they are more capable then you think." Harumi told him. "Oh please, sorry that you and your little biker gang weren't able to stop them, but I've known them for years. I've captured them multiple times. I'll be there soon." He said cutting their signal. He pulled REX around the monastery, making sure he was hidden. He scoped the area using his eye piece. He entered in the monastery by jumping in by the top. He sneaked his way up to the first door. He walked through the empty hallways of the monastery. He heard noises from the kitchen. He walked in there to see Kai, Cole, Nya, Pixal and Wu. He noticed that one ninja wasn't there, Lloyd. He walked through the hallways checking each door making sure that no door was left closed. He opened one in the middle of the hallway, there he was asleep. He grabbed a sack that he had with him and put it over his head. This instantly woke him up in a panic. "What the hell?" He shouted as he was being forced into the darkness. After more struggling, Ronin got Lloyd in his possession. He ran out the room, pushed the others out of the way, and made his way back to REX. "Hey! Was that just Ronin?" Kai asked confused. "Yea! And he took Lloyd!" Cole said. "Then were going after him!" Nya said beginning to run. Just when Ronin was about to make it to the door, the ground shot up from the ground, blocking him. He turned back to see the ninja. "I believe you have something of ours!" Cole said with his orange cracks surrounding his arms. Ronin dropped the sack to the ground. When he did, a green blast of energy came out from it. Lloyd ran out from the bag running to the others. "It's over Ronin!" Kai shouted with his hands on fire. "Ha! It's only begun!" Ronin said throwing a shuriken at them. Cole brought the earth up more blocking him. Ronin used his grappling hook t get up on the ground, jumping over the monastery. "Is he gone?" Kai asked. "I think so." Cole responded. "That was barely even a fight!" Lloyd complained. "It doesn't matter, you're safe." Nya said softly an quietly. Then a missile hit them directly. "I told you it only just begun!" Ronin laughed. Kai blasted fire balls at him as Cole threw heavy rocks at him. Ronin kept firing missiles until it was all dust. He used his see-through vision to see Lloyd unconscious on the ground. "Bingo!" Ronin said to himself. He used a net to capture and bring him to REX. "It's been fun, but I gotta go!" Ronin shouted at them as he left. Nya began coughing when the dust cleared, causing Kai's instincts to come in. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He said quickly and worried for his little sister. "I'm fine Kai, just a little dust. "Uh guys, wheres Lloyd?" Cole interrupted them. "What? He's not here. He took him!" Nya said panicked and looking around frantically. "Nya, it's okay. We'll find him, I promise." Kai said hugging his sister. "We need to get him now! Nya yelled back at her brother. "Whoa, calm down. It'll be all right." Cole said in a comforting tone. "No..I..I just need him, okay. He's all I have left." Nya said defeated. "I feel so appreciated right now." Kai said annoyed. "Here, lets go to Wu to think of a plan." Cole told Nya as they walked back in the monastery. 

"My money, I want it now!" Ronin demanded Harumi. "I don't remember that being part of the deal." Harumi said smugly. "Give me my two grand and we don't have a problem!" Ronin told her. "I have other plans." Harumi said as Pythor went near Ronin. Ronin took out a gun and grabbed Pythors neck keeping him hostage. "Give it or the snake gets it!" Ronin yelled. "You think I care about him? Do it! You won't!" Harumi yelled back. "You know i'm right here!" Pythor said feeling hurt. "Enough!" The Crystal King shouted. "Release him!" He demanded. Ronin followed through and let go of the serpent. "Here is your money." He said giving Ronin a bag full of cash. "Pleasure doing business!" Ronin said before leaving. "Harumi, come with me." The Crystal King demanded. "Child if you wish to take over Ninjago, then we need to stop making enemies!" The Crystal King said before slapping Harumi across the face. "I..I am sorry my lord." She said. "I will not fail you again." She promised. "You have a lot to prove child." The Overlord said floating away. 

Hours Later

Kai and Cole sat in the kitchen quietly sipping their coffee. "We need to be out there! We need to find out where their hiding and where Lloyd and Zane are!" Kai said. "Yea, and Nya needs to stop being so moody." Cole said. The discuses how they could rescue their friends when someone entered the hallway. Kai jumped up attempting to strike their intruder, but missed. He landed, before being spun around by their opponent and pinned to the ground. "Careful fire boy! Wouldn't want to have any accidents." Their guest said pointing a gun to his head. "Ronin? What the hell do you want?" Cole said clenching his fist. "To make a deal of course! I'm a business man." He said as he moved his foot and put his guns away. "Look, I feel bad for what I did, so let me make it up to you! I'll go get Lloyd for you, for a small price of course." Ronin said smugly. "No! Not happening! Were ninja, we don't need you!" Kai yelled at him. "Face hit hotshot, you're rusty! I would've never been able to do that to you before!" Ronin said. "Still no." Cole said crossing his arms. "I thought you would say that, so I have a proposal! A game of cards, if any of you win I get Lloyd free of charge, if I win I get all the money and leave." Ronin said. "You have a deal." Kai said putting out his hand. "Pleasure doing business." Ronin said shaking it. "What are you doing?" Cole asked. "Trust me, i'm great at cards." He said walking into the monastery. 

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