Chapter 7: Alone together

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This takes place after Blame

(Nya POV)

Me and Lloyd sat by a tree.

Lloyd was still shirtless and just had a towel over him.

When wind started to pick up, Lloyd started to shiver.

"We should go inside." I said to him.

He nodded and took my hand.

He was still weak and hadn't said much.

I walked into the living room while Lloyd went to his room.

He walked back out in black sweatpants and a green hoodie.

"How do I look?" 

"Cute." I mumbled.


"You look good."

"Really? I still think I look pale." he said looking at his hands.

"Oh, uh, yea you still kinda do."

He sat down by me and turned on the news.

'I'm Gayle Gossip at a car crash happened that in the city. It seemed to be a targeted attack. The crashers were nowhere to be found. How ever, the only person at the scene was a person who seemed to be shot.'

I looked at the car closer and my heart nearly stopped.

"That's Cole's cruiser." I told Lloyd.

His face looked even more pale.

I was scared, scared that he was gone too.

I started holding his arm tightly.

He turned the tv off and hugged me.

"He's fine, they only found one person at the crash." he told me softly.

We stayed like this until we both fell asleep.

I know how you feel: A Ninjago storyWhere stories live. Discover now