Chapter 25

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"He's cheating! I don't know how, but he's cheating!" Kai said slamming his hands against the table. "I don't cheat! I have played fair! Maybe you just!" Ronin teased. "Shut the hell up!" Kai screamed at him. "Well if you're not gonna play then i'll take my money and go." Ronin said smugly grabbing his money. "One more game!" Wu said sitting down. He put a scroll on the table. "Why would I need a stupid scroll?" Ronin laughed. "That's the point, I don't know. This could make you the riches man on planet earth." Wu explained. "You have a deal old man!" Ronin said putting the cash back on the table. The match was intense, Cole, Kai and Nya lost immediately, leaving just the two men. "I win." Wu said. "Damn it!" Ronin said slamming his fist on the table. They all began grabbing their money and splitting Ronin's. Ronin was about say another round but was interrupted by his phone. "I'll  be real quick." He said walking out the monastery. 

Ronin walked through the doors to their secret base. "You made another bloody deal?" Pythor said. "You could say that. Guys, meet your new member." Harumi told the council. "You know, this whole operation was good in the beginning. It was full of promise and with a group of big time criminals. Now we have small timers." The Mechanic said. "I might be small, but I have a more personal connection with the ninja more then any of you!" Ronin told them. "Everyone except me." Harumi said smugly. "You have a personal connection with one, maybe two. But that doesn't mean that you can get in their head like I can." Ronin said back. "Oh really?" Harumi said pissed. "You wanna bet?" Ronin said smugly. "Stop it!" The Overlord yelled at them. "You two are acting like children! Stop this at once!" The Crystal King said. "Yes my lord." Harumi said bowing down. The others did the same. "Now, go resume your stations!" The Overlord barked at them. "There! Were done!" Jay said happily and exhausted. "Ha, not yet! You have the night shift boys!" The Mechanic laughed. "What the hell! We did everything, there's nothing left to clean!" Jay said raising his voice. Then an explosion happened in another room. "Get back to work!" The Mechanic said smugly. "This is bullshit!" Jay muttered under his breath. 

"Alright, its twelve! So that means the place is off limits till five! So get the hell out!" Aspheera shouted at all the crystal warriors. They all made their way out of the facility and into the armory, where they spend the remainder of the night in. The council went to their room to take a break, Ronin went to look at cameras, and the Overlord went into his private room. This was her chance, since everyone was distracted. Harumi hid through the shadows making it to their prisoners room. Harumi opened the door, and walked over to their prisoner. "You don't have to hide it anymore, I already know." Harumi told. "Know what?" Lloyd said with spite. Harumi knelt down on one knee. "I know your secret." She said quietly. "I don't have a secret!" Lloyd said raising his voice. "Come on Lloyd, I know how you feel about me. You don't have to hide it." Harumi said beginning  to play with hair. "What the hell! No! I would never! I wouldn't even think ab..." Lloyd defending himself. He began to think, he knew what he wanted. He leaped forward and kissed her. Harumi was surprised by it, but wasn't complaining. They continued for for a few more seconds. "Release me, lets take this further." He said quietly in her ear. She did what he asked and released him. Lloyd put his arms around her back. "There's one thing I learned from you, Harumi. Lloyd said. "And what's that?" She said. "Never let your guard down."

Lloyd grabbed her head, spun around, and slammed it against the wall. She instantly fell to the ground. He immediately ran to the door and busted it open and ran to the stairs. He ran past a prisoner who was mopping the floor. He was shocked, even though he didn't get a good look, he looked exactly like Jay. Lloyd was with a crystal shard by the Mechanic. He fell to the ground and hid behind a pillar as shots fired at him. He was trying to come up with a plan and catch his breathe when a metal hand grabbed his arm and ran. He looked at the man, it was Zane. "That door! Take a right!" Zane shouted at him. Lloyd didn't take any chances and ran to the right. He tripped over some pipes and fell into a clear transporter. The thing closed and zipped off immediately. Lloyd's body was slammed against the transporter causing him immense pain. after around a minute before it stopped. His body was once again thrown at the front of the transporter. He fell back on the seat. The transporter opened up from the top and Lloyd hopped out. When he hit the ground he fell, his whole body was weak. He looked for a door. Once he found it he left to find himself on the streets of Ninjago city. It was deep into the night. It had to be past twelve. He started to limp towards the monastery.

"You!" The Mechanic yelled at Zane. "Drop it!" He said. Zane dropped his cleaning supplies. The crystal warriors grabbed him and took him. "Harumi, this is the last time you fail me! You do not deserve to serve me!" The Overlord screamed. "My lord, give me one more chance, and I promise I wil-" Harumi pleaded. "No! You are done!" The Overlord said about to blast her. "Wait! Let me prove our experiment worked!" She begged. "Fail, and you are executed!" The Overlord said. Harumi led him to the crystal that they had been working on for months. "Bring in our guest!" She yelled for the warriors. Zane was dragged out. "Bring the test subject!" She yelled again. Two warriors brought Jay in. "Jay!" Zane shouted. "Shut it, tin can!" Ronin said hitting him. Aspheera grabbed a staff as Jay was seated in front of it. Aspheera waited for Harumi's command. "Just as I thought, you're soft! Pathetic!" The Overlord said. Harumi's sympathetic expression turned into nothing. "Do it." She said.

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