Chapter 6: The Return of Mr. E

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The mechanic was working on a new machine.

The figure busted down the door.

He he looked over ready to fight.

"Who the hell are you hooded freak!"

"you can call me 7" 

"Alright '7', What in god's giving earth do you want!" 

He threw an attack at 7.

'An alliance. You rebuild my robot, you get good loot."

"What type of 'good loot'?"

"Revenge on those who wronged you."

"The ninja?"

"Yes, but also the end of the city's heros."

"Sounds great."

The mechanic followed 7 back to the warehouse.

Once there, the mechanic looked at the remains of Mr. E.

"You know I could do that, right?" Seliel said from her cell.

"Shut it, asshole!" 7 yelled.

"No, she has a point."

The mechanic opened the cage and threw the box in.

"Get to work!" he yelled banging the bars

Seliel worked for hours and hours.

After two days she finally finished him.

She moved it to the bars and waited.

Eventually, 7 walked over and opened the cage.

"Great work." 7 said kinda surprised.

7 flipped the switch and he came to life.

Cole, who had been looking for Seliel all night, looked through a window.

He busted the window open with somebody else who attacked the criminals while Cole went to Seliels cage.


(Hours earlier)

"Listen I wouldn't ask you for this, but deep down, I trust you." Cole explained.

"Fair, I still was and still am an allie to you guys." Ronin said.

"And hey, I don't like the idea of people stealing without me."

They left the place and went looking around before finding a warehouse.



Cole busted the bars open, grabbed her hand and ran.

"Get them!" 7 yelled at Mr. E handing him a pistol.

The mechanic grabbed 7 running out the door into a van.

Ronin stood on the window frame before pulling out a remote.


The warehouse exploded, killing everyone inside.

Cole and Seliel ran on a roof with Mr. E following them.

He stopped and took a shot aiming for Cole, but ended up hitting Seliel instead.

She fell to the ground while Cole picked her up and jumped in his cruiser.

He drove out of there with a million thoughts going in his mind.

He was so deep in his thought that he didn't even notice the van coming right at him.

The van crashed into his cruiser flipping it over, killing Seliel.

The mechanic and 7 ran out of the van and went to the top of a building on which Mr. E was on.

"What now?" the mechanic asked.

"Lets just say were going to the mountains."

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