Chapter 20

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It had only been a few months since Jay died, and yet everybody seemed so happy again. Everybody except Cole. Cole used to be the noble, strong, but jokey kind of guy. Now he just stays quite and stays in his room all the time. Cole has also been working out more and more. Jay was his best friend. Now he has nobody, at least that's what he thinks. Even with Vania there, he still just keeps to himself But every so often, he's like his old self again.  Like when he plays games with Kai. Overall, the ninja have just slowed down a lot more over time. And as the ninja has, crime has also slowed down. Not much happens has happened in the city for quite some time. They all just sorta stayed at the monastery. Even Wu has slowed down, he says it's age catching up to him, but the ninja know it's not. Lloyd's power has still not returned. Lloyd has become very ill since he lost his power, they didn't just take his power but his energy as well. He never looked the same his eyes had turned normal again. All the ninja try to avoid Lloyd accept Nya. They can't look at him because they don't think he has much time left. Nya is pretty much the only one who cares for Lloyd. They spend time together all the time. Nya has moved much of her stuff to Lloyd's room. They practically live together at this point, and Nya's feelings for Lloyd has only grown in the past few months. The ninja thought something big was coming when they found out Harumi was alive and everything. But then it just stopped, no more vengestone shipments nothing. Even Kai and Nya, siblings that could never be separated, were no where near as close as they used to be. While things have been silent outside, deep down things have only gotten worse. 

"You called for me Lord?" Harumi confirmed when she entered the room. "My child, you have built me this army and got me all the villains on my list, you have done well child." The Overlord told Harumi. "Thank you, my lord." Harumi thanked the Overlord. "That being said, I have enough power to get back on my feet my self. We need elemental power to work our great machine. I need you to extract them from me." The Overlord told Harumi. "But, that's impossible, you merged with the power, you can't fuse from it." Harumi informed the Crystal King. "The scrolls, there must be something." The Overlord suggested. "I guess I could check the cloud kingdom archives." Harumi told her lord. "If it will get this power out of me, then do it." The Crystal King demanded the girl.

Lloyd laid down in his bed groaning. Each day it seemed he was losing more and more energy. "Will he be okay?" Nya asked her master. "I do not know, all we can do is hope." Master Wu said depressingly. Nya looked back at Lloyd, only a few weeks ago he was fine. Now he was on his way to the end. Nya sighed and closed the door. Then Pixal gave an alert about something. She met the others in the basement. "How can their be something? There's been nothing in months!" Kai questioned. "I don't know how, but Harumi is going into the mountains." Pixal informed the ninja. "Harumi? But it's been months since we last saw her." Cole said. "Which is more of a reason why we need to go stop her." Pixal responded. "How did you get this information?"  Zane questioned. "An outside source." Pixal told him. "Well then let's go!" Kai said happy to battle again. "Wait what about Lloyd?" Nya asked. "I'm sure Wu has got it." Kai said cocky. "Actually no, me and Misako are going to the library, I fear something is coming." Wu informed them. "What's coming Master?" Zane asked concerned. "Nothing important, you all should get ready." Wu assured him. "I'll stay back for Lloyd then." Nya told the others. Pixal grabbed her mech, the ninja got the bounty, Wu went to the library, and Nya was alone.

Nya walked into her room and looked at a photo. It was all of them together, back when she was samurai X and Lloyd was just a kid, when Jay was alive. Then she heard some noise from Lloyd's room. She walked in, Lloyd was awake. He looked horrible, his hair was overgrown and messy, bags around his eyes, this was not the green ninja anymore. "Lloyd." Nya said softly. Lloyd looked at her and smiled. "Wh..where are the others?" Lloyd asked Nya. "Their on a mission, it's just me and you." Nya told him. "Wheres Wu?" Lloyd asked her. "At the library with your mother." Nya informed him. Lloyd was weak, he could not keep up any longer. He fell back down on his pillow and went to rest. Nya sighed and walked out the room.

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