Chapter 21

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The man woke up in a dark room. He groaned realizing that his hands were chained to the wall. "Hello?" The man asked. "You're awake." A robotic voice said. "What happened?" The man asked. "We were put in this cell." The robot informed him. "No shit." The man said sarcasticly. "What's your name?" The robot asked. "Jay. Jay walker." Jay said. "What!" The robot said. "Jay, you mean the lightning ninja? It's me, Zane!" Zane yelled. "What! It's you!" Jay cried happily. "It's good to see you buddy! But, we all thought you died." Zane told him. "I did, but they resurrected me." Jay informed him. "Why?" Zane asked. "I'm pretty sure it was an accident." Jay laughed. "But enough about me, tell me what's happened over the past few months!" Jay pleaded. Zane agreed to it.

"So, Zane is gone, right?" Wu asked again. "Yes, he is." Cole said. "I guess he is the last one I though would get captured. I thought it would be Kai if anybody." Wu said. "Hey!" Kai shouted. Wu saw Nya looking into the hallway. "Nya, what is it that bothers you?" Wu asked. "Nothing, just that something happend with Lloyd earlier." Nya told them. "What?" Kai said concerned. "I don't know, he started floating in the air and some green energy shot into him." Nya said. "What?" Wu shouted running to Lloyd's room. Lloyd still laid down on his bed, resting. He still was very weak. Wu smiled and turned to the others. "Lloyd's powers has returned." Wu told them happily. "How?" Cole asked. "I do not know, but it can help us fight against our enemy. And help us find Zane." Wu said. "Pixal, can you track Zane?" Kai asked. "No, they turned his tracker off." Pixal informed them. "What about his communicator?" Cole asked. "Not that either." Pixal told them. Nya toned out their conversation and just stared at Lloyd. She needed to tell him. When she turned back, the others were gone. Then she noticed them walking through the hallway. "Where are you going?" Nya asked Pixal. "We are going to look for Zane." Pixal told her. "I'll stay back with Lloyd." Nya said. "That would be best." Pixal told her. She heard the creeks of the wooden floor as she walked away. It was just those two, again.

"So that's what they did to you." Jay said. "Affirmative." Zane replied. "Hey! You two, keep it down!" A guard shouted at them. Jay rolled his eyes. "You have a escape plan, right?" Jay asked. "No, we don't have our powers but we are chained in vengestone, the hardest thing in Ninjago." Zane informed him. Jay sighed. "So what, where just stuck here telling fire stories?" Jay joked. "Yes." Zane said. "Bring the robot out here!" They heard a voice say. "That sounded like the mechanic!" Zane said. Two guards came in and took Zane. They dragged him to the first of three floors, they took him to a table which they set and trapped him on. "Zane, I would like you to meet the best bounty hunter we could find. Ronin." Harumi said walking down the steps. "Hey tin can!" Ronin said to Zane. Zane continued to try to get out. "No point in trying, nindroid, it's made of vengestone." Harumi told him. "You already have my powers, what else could you need?" Zane asked upset. "Information. It's been awhile since we last spoke, I need to know more about you ninja before I get them." Ronin said to him. Ronin proceeded to go through Zane's memory and find out some things. "See, wasn't that easy?" Ronin joked. "You'll never get them!" Zane shouted at him. "That's what they all say." Ronin laughed as he walked away. The guards let Zane out off of the table. Zane took this opportunity to escape. He jumped off and kicked one guard and punched the other. Zane ran away to the main floor. He was greeted up there by Ancronix, Krux, Aspheera, Pythor, and Mr F. Behind him was Harumi and the Mechanic. They all lunged for him at once. He jumped up and kicked Pythor and the Mechanic away. He landed and punched Krux and Acronic, causing them to drop their time blades. Asphera shot at him with her staff and missed. He ran over to her, punched her in the stomach and grabbed her staff. He used it to shoot her with it. Zane then started running. Harumi and Mr F started chasing after him. He grabbed a trash can and threw it at Harumi, causing her fall behind. Mr F started catching up to Zane. Zane finally saw it, the exit. He ran up more steps before Acronix appeared in front of him causing him to trip. "How did you?" Zane said confused. Ancronix showed him the time blade while smiling.

Nya walked into Lloyd's room and sat down on his bed. She didn't know why, but she wanted him. More then she ever wanted Jay. But she couldn't, her heart belonged to Jay, or at least it did. She looked at Lloyd, imagining how wonderful it will to see his beautiful green eyes again. Lloyd started opening his eyes. "Nya? What, how, where am I?" Lloyd asked tired and confused. "At the monastery silly." Nya laughed. "Where are the others?" Lloyd asked beginning to sit up on his bed. "They went to look for Zane." Nya told him. "What? What happened? Is he okay? Is he hurt? is he-" Lloyd said panicked as his breathing became rapid. Nya put her finger on his lips and getting him quiet. Nya was taken aback by what she was feeling. His lips were very worm yet very dry, it was something she never felt before. "It's okay, he was kidnapped by Harumi. I doubt they would do anything to him." Nya said calmly. Lloyd's breathing became normal again. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I guess I just don't want to loose anybody else." Lloyd admitted. "Don't worry, it'll be alright." Nya said to him. Lloyd went in to hug Nya, she accepted it. Although she accepted it, she was shocked by what he was doing. But she shouldn't be, they were best friends. And besides, she wasn't complaining. "Nya, how long have I been out?" Lloyd asked. "You've been in and out for a couple of weeks." Nya informed him. "Wow." That was all he could say. Nya and Lloyd pulled away from each other. "What do we do now? We have at least a few hours to kill." Lloyd asked. Nya and Lloyd thought for a second. "How about a movie?" Nya suggested. "Yea! That's a great idea!" Lloyd said excitedly. "Alright you pick the movie, i'll get the snacks." Nya said. She went to the kitchen while Lloyd went to the living room.

The doors opened, they through Zane in. "Zane! What did you fuckers do to him!" Jay shouted. Zane try to pick himself back up but couldn't. They overheard one of the guards laughing. Jay was starting to get pissed. Zane finally got up to walk over to Jay. Surprisingly, they didn't chain him back up. "What did they do to you?" Jay asked concerned. "Don't try to escape, Jay. Don't try it." Zane warned. "What did they do?" Jay asked even more concerned. "I ran off from them, but they caught me. They beat me more then I have ever been before. They are ruthless." Zane told him. Jay couldn't look at him anymore. Wires were showing everywhere. Zane put his head on the wall, attempting to fall asleep. Jay figured he should do the same. They both began to doze off in their new home.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wouldn't usally put this here but i'm looking for something. It was a book I remember reading on here. It was a movie au. Things I remember were the ships which were, Kailor, Llorumi, Jaya, ect. Kai could turn into a phoenix, Jay and Nya got kidnapped. That's pretty much everything I remember. I don't remember the writer or the books name, but their pfp was Jay from Motm. If anybody knows it, leave the name of it in the comments.

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