Chapter 3

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The lukewarm air engulfed me immediately, as if trying to drown me further into a deeper level of persuasion. It wasn't necessary though, I am more than sure that I wanted to be here. It's been long enough and I've been caging up myself for far too long. I deserve this, I thought.

Considering the time being, the newly-opened bar was still empty. A couple of workers plus myself are the only ones in the quiet establishment. I sat down on one of the tall stools in front of the bar tender, rubbing my face with my sweaty palms in the attempts to ease down the slowly growing headache.

"What can I get you?" The bartender finally asked.

I looked around for a second, contemplating as to what exactly I should be getting. "Beer please."

The guy only nodded and went to grab a mug for me, setting it in front of my fiddling fingers as he finishes filling it up. I weakly picked up the misty and cold thing, making my excited lips quiver in surprise once the rim of the mug came in contact with them.

I decided to take my little drinking session in to a slow pace since it was only about three in the afternoon. A few people came and go as time progressed. On the other hand, I was cemented on my own seat, my eyes raking the entire place curiously. I learned that they opened a few days ago but is already fairly popular due to the live performances that happens every night. The idea sparked up this little wick of excitement inside of me and I found myself waiting for time to flaunt by so that I could watch the ones who would be performing tonight. I got so inspired with the large variety of music and artists a while ago in the music store. Maybe I should give music a deeper appreciation. I mean, there's no harm in putting up a little more attention and commitment to it, right?

I am downing my fourth mug of the day, taking a huge gulp from the new water bottle beside it. I lifted up an index finger to the bartender, signaling for him to bring me another mug. He just smiled slightly and nodded, taking my last mug and within a second or so, he was back with a new one. I smiled to myself. I remember when I first gave myself the privilege of tasting the glorious drink. I mean, I'm not that much of a fan of its weird taste but the effect while chugging it down to my systems gave me this certain satisfaction. Although I am filling my stomach with the cold liquid, at the same time, I could feel myself freely floating through the thin air of wherever I am drinking. It's a weird thing but I grew to like it so much.

Another thing that I like about drinking -or even the mere thought of drinking- is Vic. Vic was this perfect dirty little secret of mine. He taught me how to live a little and how I shouldn't take everything seriously and to just let the good times roll. He taught me on how to be independent and that I could actually make decisions of my own. In such a short period of time, I got to experience all sorts of highs because of him but just thinking back to those scenes, I couldn't help but to feel a huge weight being thrown down on my shoulders because as much as I wanted for things to go my way, they just couldn't.

The poignant memory was strong enough to shove me down in to a deep and pitiful thought that I didn't even noticed myself chugging the remaining contents of my once full mug. In such a bitter force, I slammed the mug down to the wooden counter, grabbing the bartender's attention in a heartbeat.

"You're lucky you didn't break that." He pointed out as he took the glass container away from me, abandoning it to the sink. I heard him let out a sigh as he walked his way to the other side of the long counter, entertaining a different customer. Well that's a good way to stop me from drinking.

I slumped down to my seat, not knowing what else to do. It's a few minutes before six pm and I felt slightly dizzy. I could already anticipate the upcoming traumatic whirling feeling in my stomach but I shrugged the feeling away, drinking the remaining contents of my water bottle.

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